Browse Publications Technical Papers 2022-01-5021

Virtual Simulation Testing of Formula Student Vehicles in Sepang Circuit Using Internal Combustion Engine and Electrical Powertrains 2022-01-5021

The rapid transition in the automotive industry to adopt a more sustainable solution is an ongoing process, which is shown by the call for a shift from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEs) into electric vehicles (EVs). This raises a question on the effect of this transition on the Formula Student (FS) competitions across the world. Although many institutions have already adopted the EV model as part of the competition, the complete transformation into an EV model has not been studied in this context. In addition, the performance limitations of the EV model compared to the older ICE model in an FS vehicle were not investigated sufficiently. In this paper, a three-part analysis was done on simulation results such as power supply and lap time analysis, sideslip angle analysis, and acceleration with top speed analysis to compare the two FS models. Both models were constructed using IPG CarMaker to simulate a racing scenario which was done in a replica of the Sepang International Circuit, Malaysia, and both vehicle models are verified using the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) testing standards. Meanwhile, both powertrains were selected based on their market availability. The analysis was done by looking at the power supply systems in terms of capacity and the contributed weight for both models and its effects on the lap time. Furthermore, the top speed and acceleration were compared to examine the effect of the powertrain on them. The results have shown the ICE to have a faster lap time, which was attributed to the higher top speed compared to the EV. In addition, the mass of the battery pack in the EV influenced the maximum top speed reached, which was 5.8 times heavier than the ICE fuel supply.


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