Browse Publications Technical Papers 2022-26-0026

Smart Manufacturing with Augmented Reality 2022-26-0026

Aircraft Manufacturing procedures are very critical which always require skillful engineers who must adhere to various process and procedure during daily work. The challenge is not only to identify right tools and manuals but also to keep track of operator usage data and behavior. With Augmented reality (AR), intelligent tools and analytics, we can provide a new lease of life to first-line assembly engineers. The objective is how AR can help us to reduce rework or scrap with the concept of Industry 4.0 [1] were integrating with cutting edge technologies like machine learning and the internet of things (IoT) to meet the fundamental requirements during manufacturing. Smart Manufacturing consists of four major components Cyber-physical systems, IoT, cloud computing and cognitive computing.
Our objective is to integrate Augmented reality with IoT sensor to achieve Cyber-physical systems connectivity and fill the gap between the smallest physical assets connected with digital infrastructure. It can help us to increase manufacturing throughput, make tools intelligent, accelerate training, inventory management and most important operator safety. Our AR applications are developed on PTC [9] software platform which can be tablet-based, or headset based, and content can be accessible globally within organisation. Overall, it is not about a technology that lies in the visualization process only, it is about how data are visualized, captured and utilized to make the working environment safe and productive, which makes this technology powerful in manufacturing ecosystem.


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