Lane Tracking Device for a Safe-Lane Discipline using an Ultrasonic Sensor 2022-28-0489
Many road accidents caused due to poor lane discipline followed by drivers that need to be addressed. Lane discipline can be made possible by educating drivers about its importance and also ensured by effective detection and tracking of vehicles that are plying on the highways. This can be achieved by fixing a device in every vehicle that could detect and track the lane adopted by the driver during each journey. In this work, a simple lane tracking and detective device is fabricated that consists of an ultrasonic sensor, which is the primary detector that helps in identifying the lane in which the vehicle is moving. The position of the vehicle is recorded by calculating the distance between the right side of the vehicle and the divider in the highways. The data displayed in graphical form in the dashboard can enhance awareness among drivers to adopt lane discipline. Further, the recorded data can be analyzed remotely with the aid of a webpage using an Arduino tool that facilitates the enforcing authorities to track the lane followed by a particular vehicle at any instant of time.
Citation: R, S., N, V., RS, A., S, P. et al., "Lane Tracking Device for a Safe-Lane Discipline using an Ultrasonic Sensor," SAE Technical Paper 2022-28-0489, 2022, Download Citation
Saravana Sathiya Prabhahar R, Vasiraja N, Aswinth RS, Prasanna S, Dhivakar K
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
Pages: 6
International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility
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Vehicle drivers
Roads and highways
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