Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-01-1386

Experimental Investigation of a CRM65 Wingtip Mockup under Appendix C and Appendix O Icing Conditions 2023-01-1386

Research institutes and companies are currently working on 3D numerical icing tools for the prediction of ice shapes on an international level. Due to the highly complex flow situation, the prediction of ice shapes on three-dimensional surfaces represents a challenge. An essential component for the development and subsequent validation of 3D ice accretion codes are detailed experimental data from ice shapes accreted on relevant geometries, like wings of a passenger aircraft for example. As part of the Republic of Austria funded research project JOICE, a mockup of a wingtip, based on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration common research model CRM65 was designed and manufactured. For further detailed investigation of electro-thermal de-icing systems, various heaters and thermocouples were included. The mockup was investigated in the Icing Wind Tunnel of Rail Tec Arsenal in Vienna, Austria under various Appendix C and Appendix O icing conditions with and without activated heating systems. The resulting ice structures were documented and analyzed by using 3D and 4D scanning systems. This paper provides information about the design of the mockup, the test setup in the Icing Wind Tunnel well as the applied documentation procedures. Furthermore, an overview of the conducted experimental investigations is given, and selected results and evaluations are presented.


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