Electro-Mechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems: Numerical Prediction and Experimental Verification of the De-icing of a NACA 0024 Airfoil 2023-01-1389
This paper proposes an extension to curved surfaces of a design method of piezoelectric ice protection systems established for planar surfaces. The method is based on a finite element analysis which enables the fast computation of the resonant modes of interest to de-ice surfaces as leading edges. The performance of the modes of interest is assessed according to their deicing capacity estimated from the electro-mechanical coupling between the electric charge of the piezoelectric actuators and the strain energy in the structure. The method is illustrated on a NACA 0024 airfoil. Several experimental tests are conducted in an icing wind tunnel to verify the numerical predictions of the ice shedding and the operation of the system.
Citation: Palanque, V., Pothin, J., Budinger, M., Pommier-Budinger, V. et al., "Electro-Mechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems: Numerical Prediction and Experimental Verification of the De-icing of a NACA 0024 Airfoil," SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-1389, 2023, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-01-1389. Download Citation
Valerian Palanque, Jason Pothin, Marc Budinger, Valérie Pommier-Budinger, Ahmed Yaich
ISAE SUPAERO, ICA, Université de Toulouse, ISAE-SUPAERO, Université de Toulouse
Pages: 13
International Conference on Icing of Aircraft, Engines, and Structures
Related Topics:
Finite element analysis
Icing and ice detection
Wind tunnel tests
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