Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-01-5146

Design Optimization of Disc Brake Rotor 2023-01-5146

An ever-increasing need for effective transportation requires improved safety and maintenance systems. The braking component in an automobile is one of the most important safety features that manufacturers can provide. One of the key factors that influence the performance of the brakes is heat dissipation. For Brake, cooling is the most important factor governing the brake’s performance and longevity. Moreover, poor thermal performance unequivocally leads to blurring of brakes, fast wear, thermal splits and variation of thickness in the disc. To understand the design-oriented factors that affect the brake cooling, a model was developed in Solid Works and imported to CFD modeling to analyze the aerodynamic thermal flow behavior of a ventilated disc brake rotor. Here a complex design is studied and incorporated in the brake rotor to alter the aerothermal flow behavior of the brake rotor. The design is the combination of various existing brake rotors available. The results obtained are the dependency of aerothermal flow and thermal characteristics of the brake rotor towards convection and conduction to the chosen brake rotor.


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