Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-01-7098

The Energy Consumption Characteristics of Electric Vehicles in the Coastal Area Based on the Powertrain 2023-01-7098

The sensitivity of the electric vehicle (EV) energy consumption characteristics has seriously hindered the promotion and development of vehicle electrification in the coastal area, as quantities of additional energy are caused by the complex and ever-changing coastal driving conditions. In that case, this paper aims to clarify the quantitative impacts of coastal driving conditions on EV energy consumption characteristics based on the coastal traffic data and the EV powertrain. Firstly, this paper analyzes the coastal driving conditions with the help of multisource traffic data. Secondly, the costal-adapted EV energy consumption model is constructed to reveal the relationship between powertrain performance and coastal driving conditions. Next, the EV coastal driving framework is proposed to identify the EV driving state in the coastal area. Finally, the EV energy consumption spatiotemporal characteristics in a typical coastal road are discussed with the help of simulations. The results show that coastal driving conditions have great impacts on the EV energy consumption characteristics, where the temporal difference of EV energy consumption in coastal areas is as high as 19.4%, causing a 19.1% difference in the SOC, and the EV spatial energy consumption characteristics are deteriorated by the high road slope and reversed wind direction once the EV velocity and acceleration are relatively large.


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