Browse Publications Technical Papers 2023-32-0013

Effect of Cross-Flow Velocity on Fuel Adhesion of Flat-Wall Impinging Spray under Triple Stage Split Injection 2023-32-0013

The high injection pressure and small cylinder volume of direct injection spark ignition (DISI) engines can result in flat-wall wetness on the surface of the piston, increasing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The characteristics of microscopic fuel adhesion are observed using refractive index matching (RIM). Fuel adhesion characteristics after wall impingement are evaluated with various cross-flow velocities under triple stage injection conditions. The results indicate that cross-flow has a beneficial effect on the diffusion of fuel spray. Average fuel adhesion thickness decreases with an increase in cross-flow velocities. Furthermore, cross-flow promotes the evaporation of fuel adhesion, which leads to a reduction in the fuel adhesion mass/mass ratio. The improvement of injection strategy has guidance on low-carbon future.


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