Browse Publications Technical Papers 2024-01-2130

CARB Off-Road Low NOx Demonstration Program - Engine Calibration and Initial Test Results 2024-01-2130

Off-road diesel engines remain one of the most significant contributors to the overall oxides of nitrogen (NOX) inventory and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has indicated that reductions of up to 90% from current standards may be necessary to achieve its air quality goals. In recognition of this, CARB has funded a program aimed at demonstrating emission control technologies for off-road engines. This program builds on previous efforts to demonstrate Low NOX technologies for on-road engines. The objective was to demonstrate technologies to reduce tailpipe NOX and particulate matter (PM) emissions by 90 and 75%, respectively, from the current Tier 4 Final standards. In addition, the emission reductions were to be achieved while also demonstrating a 5 to 8.6% carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction and remaining Greenhouse Gas (GHG) neutral with respect to nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). This paper focuses on the engine calibration efforts for aftertreatment (AT) thermal management and improved fuel economy which included a diesel Dynamic Skip Fire (dDSF™) calibration. Test results obtained with a development-aged (hydrothermal aging only) AT system over the applicable off-road test cycles and a low load cycle are presented. The emission control system and modified calibrations could achieve internal tailpipe (TP) NOX development targets with technologies suitable for production, allowing for a significant potential compliance margin. The level of CO2 reduction was dependent on the test cycle with the target achievable without dDSF for all cycles except for the RMC where a 4% reduction was observed. The addition of dDSF reduced cycle CO2 by an additional 0.5 to 3%, depending on the test cycle, and maintained higher AT temperatures which reduced the use of AT thermal management modes.


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