That all of the variable factors of automobile friction-losses such as the quantity and viscosity of lubricants, the efficiency of worm-gearing and part-load Modifications are not appreciated, is indicated by an examination of the literature on this subject which reveals a lack of necessary data. Experiments to determine the mechanical losses, including all friction losses between the working gases in the engine and the driving-wheels of the vehicle, are described and supplementary data are included from Professor Lockwood's experiments at Yale.
Three distinct possibilities for increasing the fuel economy of a motor vehicle are specified and enlarged upon, gearset experiments to secure and develop data for a four-speed gearset being then described and commented upon at length; photographs and charts illustrative of the equipment used and the resultant data are included. The effects of varying the speed under no-load and load conditions are studied, inclusive of mathematical analysis, and the efficiency of the gearset and noise measurements made in regard to it are discussed. The paper is then summarized.