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Supplementing a paper by another author that treats of the theoretical balancing of this engine, Mr. Anderson presents the practical methods that have been devised to accomplish the results desired. Since this crankshaft is not in running or in dynamic balance without its piston and its connecting-rod assemblies, it is necessary to apply equivalent weights on each of the crankpins when balancing it on a dynamic balancing-machine, and details are given of how these weights are determined.
The selection of parts to obtain equal weights is also necessary; a description is given of how this is made. A combination static and dynamic balancing-machine that can be set for either operation is used for balancing the crankshaft. Details of its operation are presented. Service conditions to secure parts replacements within the weight limits specified are outlined, and flywheel, universal-joint assembly and other unit balancing is discussed. The method of testing the completed work is stated. Tabular data accompany the text.