
Comparison of Three Types of Front Body Construction of Sub-Compact Cars 750076

Three different types of front suspension and the corresponding body construction configurations were selected for comparison among unitary constructed sub-compact cars with a weight range between 2,500 lb and 3,000 lb and which are being manufactured by Toyota. These were compared and evaluated in terms of weight, productivity, noise and vibration characteristics, and crashworthiness. The pros and cons of each type were analyzed and the results of this analysis are presented in this paper.
From these results, it has been concluded that when only the front body is considered, these three types of front body design are preferable in the following order.
  1. 1.
    McPherson type.
  2. 2.
    Double wishbone type with upper and lower arms installed on the fender apron.
  3. 3.
    Double wishbone type with upper and lower arms mounted on the suspension member.


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