Use of Dynamic Modeling and Analysis to Cure Ride Quality Problems 750078
A very straightforward procedure for solving ride quality problems is discussed. This procedure utilizes advanced dynamic testing and system modeling techniques in a logical three-step sequence. The first step is to define the nature of the problem through measurement of data during operation of the vehicle. The second step involves the measurement of vehicle dynamic characteristics such as resonant frequencies and mode shapes through controlled lab tests. This information is compared with the operating data to identify structural features which contribute to the ride problem.
The last step is to assemble a dynamic computer model of the vehicle which can be used to quickly evaluate proposed solutions to the problem.
Two examples are given which serve to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.
Citation: Sisson, T. and Wiley, G., "Use of Dynamic Modeling and Analysis to Cure Ride Quality Problems," SAE Technical Paper 750078, 1975, Download Citation
Timothy R. Sisson, Garth H. Wiley
Structural Dynamics Research Corp.
Pages: 14
1975 Automotive Engineering Congress and Exposition
Related Topics:
Computer simulation
Simulation and modeling
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