
Use of a Data Acquisition System in Static Stress Analysis 770527

The Data Acquisition System, as used by the Static Stress Analysis group and others, is a tool designed to collect data rapidly and accurately. Its principal terminals are at a collection point and in a computer memory bank.
Between these two terminals are signal conditioners which modify calibrated signals so that specific engineering functions, pounds per square inch (P.S.I.) (kPa); gallons per minute (G.P.M.) (L.P.M.) or specific degrees of temperature (F° or C°) are recorded.
The static stress applications of the Data Acquisition System are often multipurpose:
  1. (1)
    Data is used to evaluate structural problems related to product use.
  2. (2)
    Data is used to provide confirmation of design on a pilot or preproduction model.
  3. (3)
    Data is used to feed an Engineering Data Base.
This paper will attempt to show how these objectives can be achieved efficiently.


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