
Dynamometer-Based Evaluation of Low Oxides of Nitrogen, Advanced Concept Diesel Engine for a Passenger Car 780343

An Advanced Concept Diesel (ACD) engine, previously evaluated under a U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration contract, was dynamometer tested to provide data for the computer simulation of a diesel passenger car. The car was calculated to have the potential for meeting a 0.25 g/km (0.4 g/mi) NO standard (without cold start) if high EGR rates were introduced. The 0.25 g/km (0.41 g/mi) hydrocarbon standard would not be met by the unmodified vehicle, although use of an advanced transmission was projected to decrease hydrocarbons just to that level. Before the ACD engine is considered further, adequate durability should be demonstrated with high EGR rates, and lower hydrocarbon emissions are needed.


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