Correlation Between Thoracic Lesions and Force Values Measured at the Shoulder of 92 Belted Occupants Involved in Real Accidents 780892
The 3-point static belts that are installed in Renault and Peugeot vehicles are equipped with a force limiter near the upper anchorage. This system is made up of several bands of textiles that tear successively for the increasing levels of force exerted by the occupant. One can thus associate, for each person in the accident, the degree of the thoracic AIS and the value of the support force, expressed in daN.
This relationship is established for 92 belted occupants who were involved in frontal impacts. In addition it is indicated which are the distributions of impact violence parameters incurred and which are the distributions of ages in order to determine the statistical meaning of the required results.
The levels of tolerance observed in this sample are compared to thoracic injuries observed on belted cadavers exposed to equivalent violent impacts.
Citation: Foret-Bruno, J., Hartemann, F., Thomas, C., Fayon, A. et al., "Correlation Between Thoracic Lesions and Force Values Measured at the Shoulder of 92 Belted Occupants Involved in Real Accidents," SAE Technical Paper 780892, 1978, Download Citation
J.Y. Foret-Bruno, F. Hartemann, C. Thomas, A. Fayon, C. Terrière, C. Got, A. Patel
Laboratoire de Physiologie et de Biomécanique PSA/RNUR La Garenne-Colombes (France), IRO/IRBA, Institut de Recherches Orthopédiques de l' Hôpital Raymond Poincaré, Garches (France)
Pages: 11
22nd Stapp Car Crash Conference
Also in:
Biomechanics of Impact Injury and Injury Tolerances of the Thorax-Shoulder Complex-PT-45, Twenty-Second Stapp Car Crash Conference-P-077, SAE 1978 Transactions-V87-A, Seat Belts: The Development of An Essential Safety Feature-PT-92
Related Topics:
Vehicle occupants
Statistical analysis
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