This paper will show a simple test procedure in which any
desired car-to-car frontal collision can be replaced by a
car-to-barrier collision. The test parameters can be defined on the
basis of readily available car specifications, i.e. the car mass
and the deformation of the frontal structure in a 30 mph
fixed-barrier crash.
The test procedure is confirmed by the results of a real
car-to-car crash and a car-to-barrier crash. A market analysis will
supply the frequency distribution of the car masses and the dynamic
crush of their frontal structures in the field. If the thus
provided data are applied to the test procedure, a crash test
procedure permitting the introduction of passive safety features
specifically adapted to the automotive conditions in a given market
will be obtained.
Reinhard Wagner
Pages: 11
17th FISITA Congress (1978), Budapest, Hungary
Related Topics:
Test procedures
Frontal collisions
Market research
Impact tests
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