Aerodynamic Effects to a Bicycle Caused by a Passing Vehicle 811425
There are many reasons why a bicycle is caused to wobble by a passing vehicle, for example, human engineering factors, riding techniques, the conditions of the road, aerodynamic effects, etc.
In this report, aerodynamic effects to a bicycle by a passing vehicle have been investigated experimantally and theoretically. Experiments were made by driving the 1/6-scale vehicle model with a catapult arrangement near the 1/6-scale bicycle model which was at rest.
Aerodynamic forces acting on the bicycle model were measured with the aerodynamic balance mounted under the bicycle and the flow patterns around the bicycle caused by the vehicle were examined using visualization techniques.
To compare with the experimental results, numerical calculations were carried out on the passing motion of two bodies in an ideal fluid.
Citation: Kato, Y., Iwasa, T., Matsuda, M., and Miyai, Y., "Aerodynamic Effects to a Bicycle Caused by a Passing Vehicle," SAE Technical Paper 811425, 1981, Download Citation