Space Shuttle Crew Station Requirements Past and Future 821495
The flight deck of the Space Shuttle orbiter was strongly influenced by traditional transport aircraft concepts as well as by newer concepts such as all-electronic, computer-aided controls and time-shared CRT displays. This paper discusses crewmembers' reach and vision interactions with control and display interfaces in relation to automation concepts of the piloting, manipulator, berthing, and payload handling stations. Three critical stages of flight (boost, docking and berthing, and descent) are emphasized as key issues in the design of crew stations. The pilot's role during ascent is mainly one of monitoring a computer-controlled vehicle. Descent permits a choice of automated or manual control for energy management of a high-speed aerodynamic glider. On-orbit operations include berthing, docking, and handling of payloads with a computer-aided remote manipulator system (RMS). Future use of the RMS may call for the addition of force sensors, proximity sensors, and automatic homing devices to enhance productivity.