Child Restraint Tether Straps - A Simple Method of Increasing Safety for Children 973305
This investigation demonstrates that the simple addition of a tether strap to a child restraint can dramatically improve the safety of children in an accident.
Improperly fitted child restraints are a significant problem in both Europe and USA. This has led to reduced restraint performance in accidents resulting in serious injury and death.
This investigation examines the use of tether straps, particularly in Australia, as well as testing the performance of tethered and non tethered child restraints. The effect of loose seat belt adjustment in testing results in greater head excursion with child restraints without upper tether straps. Testing confirms the significant reduction in head excursions available with the use tether straps without any degradation in HIC.
Citation: Lumley, M., "Child Restraint Tether Straps - A Simple Method of Increasing Safety for Children," SAE Technical Paper 973305, 1997, Download Citation
Michael A. Lumley
Pages: 13
41st Stapp Car Crash Conference
Also in:
Child Occupant Protection 2nd Symposium Proceedings-P-316, SAE 1997 Transactions - Journal of Passenger Cars-V106-6
Related Topics:
Child restraint systems
Safety belts
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