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Brakes and Electronic Stability Control, 2005

The 19 papers in this technical paper collection cover vehicle brake system performance, vehicle brake noise, antilock braking control of electric vehicles, enhanced traction stability control systems, and more.

Human Factors in Driving, Telematics and Seating Comfort, 2005

The 21 papers in this technical paper collection cover driver crash avoidance behavior; factors that influence drivers’ response choice decisions; collision avoidance systems; steering wheel switch technology; effects of hands-free phone conversation on visual behavior; seat support evaluation; and more.

Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Combustion, 2006

This technical paper collection includes 49 papers detailing homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion. Topics include: HCCI Combustion Processes, The Interaction Between Fuel Chemicals and HCCI Combustion Characteristics, Modeling Diesel Engine NOx , The Influence of NO on the Combustion Phasing in an HCCI Engine, Modelling and Experimental Investigations of Supercharged HCCI Engines, and more.

New Engines and Components, 2010

The 20 papers in this technical paper collection discuss a variety of new engine concepts and advanced component designs for improved performance, reduced fuel consumption and reduced emissions.

Engine Boosting Systems, 2010

Trends of ever increasing power density, better fuel economy and reduced emissions are increasing focus on turbocharging/supercharging and turbochargers/superchargers, as part of overall engine system optimization. Increased amounts of EGR and use of aftertreatment devices present new challenges. The 16 papers in this technical paper collection cover conceptual, modeling and experimental studies relating to advanced turbochargers/superchargers and advanced boosting systems to respond to above challenges.

CAD/CAM/CAE Technology, 2010

The 8 papers featured in this technical paper collection advance the knowledge in product design, manufacturing processes, and engineering analysis using the state-of-the-art computer technology. The scope includes research findings in such areas as computational fluid dynamics, manufacturing and assembly simulation, crushworthliness, computational mechanics, mold flow, ride simulation, ergonomic design and analysis, NVH, and reverse engineering.

Optical Measurement Nondestructive Testing Techniques, 2010

The 47 papers in this technical paper collection focus on CAE analysis, test correlation and optimization for crashworthiness/occupant safety CAE, durability CAE, multi-body simulation and applications; NVH CAE; automotive engineering testing and test methods; and optical measurement and nondestructive testing techniques in automotive engineering.

Virtual Design and Engineering, 2010

The 9 papers in this technical paper collection pertain to the creation and application of various tools that will allow for the design and manufacture of parts, equipment, facilities and tests that eliminate the need for physical part prototyping early in a program. The ability to model various aspects of design, test and manufacturing allows for more accurate, cost effective and faster development and product delivery to market.

Variable Valve Actuation, 2010

The 13 papers in this technical paper collection discuss variable valve actuation mechanisms, devices, and systems; and the impact and control of such systems on thermodynamics, combustion, fuel economy, emissions, and performance.

Climate Control, 2010

Climate control is a defining vehicle attribute that has strong interaction with other vehicle systems. Also, performance and quality of the climate control system are critical to customer satisfaction. The 10 papers in this technical paper collection cover alternative A/C systems, multi-zone climate control, cabin air filtration, automatic controls, and optimized energy consumption.

Vehicle Dynamics and Tire and Wheel Simulation, 2008

The 22 papers in this technical paper collection detail tire and wheel technology, tire rolling resistance, tire sidewall cooling, and features a series of papers relating to "aged tire durability". Also included are vehicle dynamics and simulation papers focusing on vehicle stability and control; vehicle sub-systems modeling and responses; advances in vehicle systems dynamics; vehicle motion simulations and analysis; and vehicle dynamics analysis.

Vehicle Dynamics & Simulation, 2007

The 33 papers in this technical paper collection discuss vehicle dynamics and simulation in the areas of vehicle rollover, tire forces/moments and vehicle stability, vehicle dynamics handling and control, advances in methods for vehicle systems design and control, and advances in vehicle dynamics measurements and validations.

Variable Valve Optimization, 2008

The 16 papers in this technical paper collection cover variable valve actuation mechanisms, devices, and systems; and the impact and control of such systems on thermodynamics, combustion, fuel economy, emissions, and performance.

Smart Mobility is Connected, 2010

This technical paper collection strives to stretch the boundaries of connectedness to give a sense of where the connected vehicle is headed. The 6 technical papers included provide a particular emphasis on how the connected experience enables safety driving green and how unique partnerships can deliver.

Smart Mobility Propelled by Green, 2010

This technical paper collection features 7 papers that explore the boundaries of how HEV’s, EV’s, and advanced IC powertrains enabled by electronics and software control systems can satisfy energy economics and drive green.