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Panel 1 - The Energy Ecosystem - Reinvented

Vehicle electrification will require rethinking the supply of energy and creating a new energy ecosystem. The decentralized, on-demand nature of electricity delivery and the ability for electricity to flow bi-directionally presents new challenges and opportunities for the combined energy-auto industry ecosystem. Many stakeholders are involved, which include utilities, automotive OEMs and suppliers, government, charging companies, & infrastructure installers. Success will depend upon understanding this fast evolving ecosystem and coordinating multi-industry standards. This session will focus on ways the auto industry, utilities and distribution companies can work together, to ensure a steady supply of energy, as well as exploiting opportunities to extract maximum value from EV batteries at the end of a vehicle’s life.

Panel 3 - A rational ramp down of ICE volumes

The conference panel session aims to address the rational and effective ramp-down of internal combustion engine (ICE) volumes as electric vehicle (EV) penetration impacts original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers in the automotive industry. The panel will consist of participants from the automotive powertrain and propulsion industry as well as broader stakeholders, including management consultants, economists, vehicle and parts suppliers. The session is expected to provide insights and strategies to assist companies in navigating the shift from ICE to EV transition for the industry as a whole.

Panel 4 - Alternative paths to decarbonization, other than electrification

Historically Europe has been at the forefront of globally prioritizing CO2 reduction across their various industries. Aligned with that stance they were the first to begin to discuss ICE bans and aggressive phase outs of production ICE vehicles within various member states in order to accelerate the transition toward decarbonization and adoption of electrification. Most recently there has been a formal acknowledgement in Europe of an e-Fuel CO2 reduction pathway that could provide a legitimate alternative alongside of electrification and potentially set a precedent for other regions of the world including the US. This panel will discuss the latest developments in this emerging decarbonization pathway in Europe along with technical and economic challenges associated with this e-Fuel [replace with sustainable?] approach.

Panel 5 - Regulations

The automotive industry’s transformational shift to a new set of propulsion technologies and the evolving propulsion-energy ecosystem, require careful management of complex interactions between multiple industry stakeholder groups and government regulatory policy makers. The recently passed IRA and other new government regulations add additional complexities to vehicle propulsion portfolio decision processes, necessitating more open dialogue between OEMs, infrastructure companies, utilities, and regulators. This session will explore key topics associated with U.S. Energy Policy, Regulations/Environmental, Consumer Behavior impacts, and international regulatory implications. Chatham House Rule will help promote an open dialogue, as panel members add their unique perspectives to the discussion. Audience feedback will provide valuable input to help guide on-stage interactions between the panelists.

JAUS Unmanned Maritime Vehicle Service Set

This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines a set of standard application layer interfaces called JAUS UMV Services. JAUS Services provide the means for software entities in an unmanned system or system of unmanned systems to communicate and coordinate their activities. The UMV Services represent the platform-specific capabilities commonly found in UMVs and augment the Mobility Service Set (refer to AS6009) which is platform-agnostic. At present, 12 services are defined in this document. While these services are presented alphabetically within this document, they also can be logically categorized as: Platform Description Services: This service provides information about the vehicle platform, including mobility limits and geometric properties: ○ Platform Specification Service. Propulsion and Driver Services: These services provide the control and monitoring capabilities to the vehicle’s propulsion system(s).