Data is information that has been recorded in a form or format convenient to move or process. It is important to distinguish between data and the format. The format is a structured way to record information, such as engineering drawings and other documents, software, pictures, maps, sound, and animation. Some formats are open source, others proprietary. Regardless of the format, there are three broad types of data. Table 1 lists these types of data and provides examples. DM, from the perspective of this standard, consists of the disciplined processes and systems utilized to plan for, acquire, and provide management and oversight for product and product-related business data, consistent with requirements, throughout the product and data life cycles. Thus, this standard primarily addresses product data and the business data required for stakeholder collaboration extending through the supply chain during product acquisition and sustainment life cycle.
This section establishes modeling conventions and guidelines to be followed during the development of the GEIA-STD-927 top level schema. The following is within the scope of this document: Modeling rules, conventions and guidelines for the GEIA-STD-927 top level schema. The following are outside the scope of this document: An introduction to information modeling; An introduction to the EXPRESS modeling language.
As an integral part of the evolution to ANSI/GEIA-859 and the new environment, data management ensures that appropriate information support is available. Data requirements are established that ensure that data are properly timed and accessible, and provide the necessary visibility. The integrity of the data must be ensured regardless of their physical location. The DM process, implemented with rapidly maturing technologies, makes information available sooner and facilitates information sharing. It controls the digital format and the procedures necessary to exchange, index, store, and distribute or provide access to data.
This handbook details the TechAmerica Technical Fellowship Selection Process. It identifies the tasks to be performed and associates them with participants in the process. The focus is intended to keep the process implementation as uniform as possible. There are three types of information in this handbook: Process details Candidate Application Package format Process infrastructure and description Each Section of this handbook describes a significant segment of the selection process. There are also appendices that contain a variety of supporting material relevant to the different process participants.
This guide clearly defines the purpose, goals, and objectives of an IBR. It also describes the attributes of an effective IBR and discusses a baseline review process that will lead to a better understanding of program risks. It provides a common definition and framework for the IBR Process. This process harmonizes, and to the extent possible, unifies the management objectives for all PMs. The IBR Process enables managers to effectively utilize the project Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) to assess performance, and to better understand inherent risks. The IBR Process should continue throughout the life of a project.
This Bulletin provides a brief description of tin whisker formation and describes various methods recommended by government and industry to reduce the risk of tin whisker-induced failures in electronic hardware. It is not a mandate nor does it contain any requirements. A tin whisker is a single crystal that emerges from tin-finished surfaces. Tin whiskers can pose a serious reliability risk to electronic assemblies that have pure tin finish. The general risks fall into several categories: [1, 2, 3, 8, 16] Short Circuits: The whisker can create a short circuit, either by 1) growing from an area at one potential to an area at another or 2) breaking free and later bridging these areas. In some cases, these shorts may be permanent and cause catastrophic system failures. A transient short may result if the available current exceeds the fusing current of the whisker, and the whisker can fuse open.
This style manual establishes requirements for the preparation of standards1) and certain other publications of TechAmerica. It also gives some indication with regard to presentation.
The TechAmerica Standards & Technology department is responsible for standardization activities, and provides other appropriate technical and engineering services within the scope of TechAmerica by-laws. Standardization activities shall include those associated with Business, Engineering, and Operations Management and Processes. All activities shall be conducted in accordance with appropriate legal guidance.
This handbook is intended to assist the user to understand the ANSI/EIA-649B standard principles and functions for Configuration Management (CM) and how to plan and implement effective CM. It provides CM implementation guidance for all users (CM professionals and practitioners within the commercial and industry communities, DoD, military service commands, and government activities (e.g., National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)) with a variety of techniques and examples. Information about interfacing with other management systems and processes are included to ensure the principles and functions are applied in each phase of the life cycle for all product categories.
This Standard specifies the minimum derating requirements for using electronic components in moderately severe environments. These environments are assumed to include Airborne Inhabited Cargo (AIC), Airborne Inhabited Fighter (AIF), Ground Mobile (GM), and Naval Sheltered (NS) environments specified in MIL-HDBK-217. This Standard is intended to supersede the derating limits contained in Defense Standardization Program Office (DSPO) Standardization Directive SD-18, Naval Standard TE000-AB-GTP-010, and Air Force ESD-TR-85-148. It is intended that a future revision of this Standard will include additional requirements for derating for other environments (e.g. Airborne Uninhabited Cargo). Since this Standard specifies the minimum derating requirements, (sub)contractors may derate in excess of these requirements.
This standard defines the requirements for fully replacing undesirable surface finishes using robotic hot solder dip. Requirements for qualifying and testing the refinished piece parts are also included. This standard covers the replacement of pure tin and Pb-free tin alloy finishes with SnPb finishes with the intent of subsequent assembly with SnPb solder. This dipping is different from dipping to within some distance of the body for the purposes of solderability; solder dipping for purposes other than full replacement of pure tin and Pb-free tin alloy finishes are beyond the scope of this document. It covers process and testing requirements for robotic dipping process and does not cover semi-automatic or purely manual dipping processes. This standard does not apply to piece-part manufacturers who build piece parts with a hot solder dip finish.
SAE GEIA-STD-0007C defines logistics product data generated during the requirement definition and design of an industry or government system, end item, or product. It makes use of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) through the use of entities and attributes that comprise logistics product data and their definitions. The standard is designed to provide users with a uniform set of data tags for all or portions of logistics product data. The standard can be applied to any industry or government product, system or equipment acquisition program, major modification program, and applicable research and development projects. This standard is for use by both industry and government activities. As used in this standard, the requiring authority is generally the customer and the customer can be a government or industry activity. The performing activity may be either a industry or government activity.
This document is intended for use as technical guidance by Aerospace system suppliers, e.g., Aerospace system Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Aerospace system maintenance facilities, in developing and implementing designs and processes to assure the continued performance, quality, reliability, safety, airworthiness, configuration control, affordability, maintainability, and supportability of high performance aerospace systems (subsequently referred to as AHP) both during and after the transition to Pb-Free electronics. This document is intended for application to aerospace products; however, it may also be applied, at the discretion of the user, to other products with similar characteristics, e.g., low-volume, rugged use environments, high reliability, long lifetime, and reparability. If other industries wish to use this document, they may substitute the name of their industry for the word “Aerospace” in this document.
This technical report identifies the requirements for an LFCP for ADHP soldered electronic products built fully or partially with Pb-free materials and assembly processes. An LFCP documents the specific Pb-free materials and assembly processes used to assure customers their ADHP soldered electronic products will meet the applicable reliability requirements of the customer. This standard specifically addresses LFCPs for: a Pb-free components and mixed assembly: Products originally designed and qualified with SnPb solder and assembly processes that incorporate components with Pb-free termination finishes and/or Pb-free BGAs, i.e., assembling Pb-free parts using eutectic/near-eutectic SnPb processes (also known as mixed metallurgy). b COTS products: COTS products likely built with Pb-free materials and assembly processes. c Pb-free design and assembly: Products designed and qualified with Pb-free solder and assembly processes.
This handbook is designed to assist a program in assuring the performance, reliability, airworthiness, safety, and certifiability of product(s), in accordance with GEIA-STD-0005-1, “Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Pb-free Solder”. Please note that the program manager, and managers of systems engineering, Supply Chain and Quality Assurance (along with their respective organizations), and the appropriate enterprise authority need to work together in ensuring that all impacts of Pb-free technology insertion are understood and risks mitigated accordingly. Herein “program management (or manager), supplier chain management (or manager), quality assurance management (or manager) and systems engineering management (or manager) and/or the appropriate enterprise authority” shall be defined as “responsible manager” throughout the remaining document (see Section 3, Terms and Definitions).
This document outlines a standard practice for conducting system safety. In some cases, these principles may be captured in other standards that apply to specific commodities such as commercial aircraft and automobiles. For example, those manufacturers that produce commercial aircraft should use SAE ARP4754 or SAE ARP4761 (see Section 2 below) to meet FAA or other regulatory agency system safety-related requirements. The system safety practice as defined herein provides a consistent means of evaluating identified risks. Mishap risk should be identified, evaluated, and mitigated to a level as low as reasonably practicable. The mishap risk should be accepted by the appropriate authority and comply with federal (and state, where applicable) laws and regulations, executive orders, treaties, and agreements. Program trade studies associated with mitigating mishap risk should consider total life cycle cost in any decision.