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Technical Paper

Thermal Testing of the MetOp Service Module

The Payload Module (or PLM) which carries twelve instruments, provided by the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), the American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the French space agency, CNES. 2. ...The complete MetOp satellite has external dimensions of 6.3m by 2.8m × 2.1m with all the appendages stowed. The PLM test was described at the 2003 ICES conference (Ref [1] and [2]). This paper will concentrate on the thermal balance testing of the proto-flight model (PFM) SVM, and comparisons of experiences on both modules will be made.
Technical Paper

Estimating Low Back Loads of Underground Mine Roof Bolter Operators using Digital Human Simulations

A database containing forces on L4/L5 spinal joint and on back muscles was generated by processing the captured motions from each subject using UGS PLM Solution Jack software’s task analysis toolkit – lower back analysis. An analysis of variance was performed using the maximum values for spinal forces and moments and estimated muscle forces for ten trunk muscles in the resulting database.
Technical Paper

Innovation in Product Data Management to Unlock the Efficiency Potential of the Company

The benefits of a new integrated Systems Engineering will grant: 1) better data continuity and integration across domains, lifecycle & supply chain; 2) intensify data re-use; 3) create easy data access, consistency & transparency; 4) enable flexible interfaces between business processes; 5) Ease traceability of information and processes; and 6) Increase user acceptance on PLM solution approaches.
Technical Paper

Towards an Intelligent Digital Cabin Twin to Support an Aircraft's Retrofit and Base Maintenance (SAE Paper 2022-01-0046)

That means, overall, the consistent model-based maintenance of data within all phases of PLM up to disposal is not guaranteed. The loss of information during all lifecycle phases can cause the prolongation of planning phases and the actual ground-time during retrofit processes since further data acquisitions, processing, and linkage to determine an as-is state are necessary.
Technical Paper

Advanced Virtualization Technologies in Aerospace and Automotive Embedded System Applications

Both aerospace and automotive system developers should learn how to leverage virtualization technologies to improve their embedded system designs and the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) process. The separation of software components from the hardware platforms has been identified as a significant step aerospace and automotive companies can make toward implementing a robust embedded systems lifecycle.
Technical Paper

Efficient Knowledge Management with an SBA: How Innovative Technology can Revive Older Ones

Search Based Applications that can be quickly deployed and configured, have been developed to provide business owners with an intuitive and efficient access to data (PLM, ERP, DMS, and so on). Enhanced by semantic processing and quantitative analytics, these SBAs simplify access to and integration of automotive design and project management data.
Technical Paper

Impact of Microstructure and Surface Treatment on Thermal Properties of Gray Cast Iron Brake Rotors

Complete chemical and material characterization of the brake rotors using optical emission spectrometer (OES), carbon-sulfur combustion analyzer, laser flash apparatus, polarized light microscopy (PLM), and density (analytical balance and Archimedes principle). The gray cast iron rotors are typified for a fully pearlitic gray cast iron with about 2-4 vol.% of “free” ferrite.