Developing Object Detection Systems for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Developing Thermoplastic Composites for Use in Commercial Aircraft An Automated System for Multi-Physics Modeling Taking the Tactical Cloud with You Small Form Factor, Modular Data Centers at the Edge of the Battlefield Remanufacturing Reimagined How Selective Electroplating Extends Service Life and Reduces the Cost of Aerospace Components Satellite Paves the Way for Improved Storm Tracking Solar-Powered Satellite Hardware in Orbit Impact of Satellite Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance on Modern Naval Operations Determining whether afloat availability of satellite ISR, a technology that is relatively new, fundamentally changed naval operations and if so, to what degree. 3D Data Acquisition Platform for Human Activity Understanding Implementing motion capture devices, 3D vision sensors, and EMG sensors to cross validate multi-modality data acquisition and address fundamental research problems involving the representation and invariant description of 3D data, human motion modeling and applications of human activity analysis, and computational optimization of large-scale 3D data.
Designing Battery Packs for Harsh Environment Mission-Critical Devices High-Energy Laser Weapon Systems Advanced Assembly Solutions for the Airbus RACER Joined-Wing Configuration Digital Twins How The Digital Replica Concept Is Used By Robotic Systems Practical 3D Printing of Antennas and RF Electronics Photonic Microwave Generation Using On-Chip Optical Frequency Combs DDDAMS-based Urban Surveillance and Crowd Control via UAVs and UGVs Investigating algorithmic approaches to create scalable, robust, multi-scale, and effective urban surveillance and crowd control strategies using UAVs and UGVs. Covariance and Uncertainty Realism in Space Surveillance and Tracking Characterizing uncertainty in estimating the state of a resident space object is one of the fundamentals of many space surveillance tasks.
Engineered Solutions for Enclosure Sealing and Insulation Tips for Reducing Error When Using Eddy Current Measuring Techniques Reducing the High Cost of Titanium Streamlining Post-Processing in Additive Manufacturing Software-Defined Analog Filters: A Paradigm Shift in Radio Filter Performance and Capability SDR Interface for the NeXtRAD Multistatic Radar System Electrodeposition of Metal Matrix Composites and Materials Characterization for Thin-Film Solar Cells Metal matrix composites, which consist of silver-multiwalled carbon nanotube-silver, layer-by-layer stacks, can electrically bridge the cracks (>40 μm) that appear in semiconductor substrates and the composite grid lines. Sensing Applied Load and Damage Effects in Composites with Nondestructive Techniques Comparing and correlating piezoelectrically induced guided waves, acoustic emission, thermography, and X-ray imaging to determine the effects of applied load on a composite structure.
How Electrification and Autonomy Can Unlock the Potential of Unmanned Ground Vehicles VITA 90: Small Form Factors for UAVs and Other Space Constrained Platforms 3D Scanning Provides Key Weapon for Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing New Approach to Viscosity Enables Complex Motions in Soft Robots Ghoul Tool: The Weapon-Mountable Counter UAS Transmitter Autonomous Surveillance Technologies Relating to Dismounted Soldiers The development of the autonomous applications for dismounted Soldier systems is paramount to defeating our adversaries, such as China and Russia, in future combat. A comprehensive literature re-view is necessary to assist in defining the best path forward. Robust MADER: Decentralized Multiagent Drone Trajectory Planner Communication delays can be catastrophic for multiagent systems. However, most existing state-of-the-art multiagent trajectory planners assume perfect communication and therefore lack a strategy to rectify this issue in real-world environments.
The Distributed Extreme Environment Drive System (DEEDS) What Is It? What Does it Do? How Does It Work? Using Virtual Reality to Improve Product Development Overcoming eVTOL's High-Power Connectivity Challenges Optimized Cutting Tools for Tomorrow's Sustainable Aircraft DC to DC Power Distribution in MilAero Applications Paving the Way for the Next Wireless Breakthroughs Solving Signal Interference Challenges in Aerospace and Defense Electronics In-situ Atmospheric Intelligence for Hybrid Power Grids: Volume 2 (Automated Data Flow Tests) To achieve battlespace dominance, energy flow characterizations of individual platforms and the aggregate battlespace must be developed to adapt and exploit the variable operating conditions.