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Aerospace & Defense Technology: October 2024

A New Look at Ignition: Refining Our Understanding of Combustion Dynamics in Gun Chambers How High-Reliability Capacitors Support Electrical Power in Military Vehicles How to Get Advanced Air Mobility into the Sky Making the Rounds in Aerospace: Tooling and Techniques for Discs, Blisks and Rings Rising Star Awards: Women in Engineering Aerospace Winner Heather Cummings Beyond the Beam: The Impact of Coaxial Cables on Phased Array Technology Cutting-Edge Drone Killer Radio Wave Weapon developing at Pace Using Artificial Intelligence to Find the Polymers of the Future Georgia Tech researchers are using artificial intelligence to accelerate materials discovery. Machine Learning Unlocks Secrets to Advanced Alloys An MIT team uses computer models to measure atomic patterns in metals, essential for designing custom materials for use in aerospace, biomedicine, electronics, and more.

Embraer X eVTOL debuts design at Uber Elevate 2018

Autonomous flying cars and air-taxis have been the subject of science fiction movies for decades, but Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer has now announced plans to develop a practical – if futuristic – small commercial air vehicle.

GoFly announces Phase II winning teams at AeroTech Americas

Early today at AeroTech Americas – SAE International’s North America-based international aerospace congress – GoFly announced the five Phase II winners of the GoFly Prize for personal mobility vehicles. Each of the innovative winning teams, from the United States, Latvia, Russia, and the Netherlands, were awarded $50,000 in prizes.

Program - 2024 AeroTech

Explore AeroTech's Key Tracks, Sessions, and Presentations on hot topics in the Aerospace industry.

Aerospace & Defense Technology: August 2022

The Digital Cockpit of the Future How Human Machine Interface Technology Will Impact Avionics Displays The Science of Joining Dissimilar Metals in Aerospace Manufacturing Designing A/D Converters for the James Webb Space Telescope Vibration Testing NASA's X-57 Maxwell Electric Aircraft Hybrid Circulators for mmWave Systems Transforming Battlespace Communications Pulsed Exposure Toxicity Testing: Method Development and Initial Evaluation for Stormwater Compliance Preliminary research into modifying whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing protocols designed for continuous flow discharges as applied to episodic and/or ephemeral discharges such as those associated with storm water runoff. Upgrade Transonic Compressor Test Rig Data Acquisition System New software programming using commercial off-the-shelf software for acquiring data, processing data, displaying results, and generating reports is implemented to improve the performance of a legacy system.

Aerospace & Defense Technology: August 2023

Electrifying Aviation: The Path to Decarbonizing the Skies /Electric aviation mirrors the early stages of the electric vehicle revolution Advances in Military Avionics Technologies Create New Challenges for RF Test and Measurement Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation: The Future of Lightweight Designs in Aerospace and Defense Advanced RF Simulation Reduces Cost and Schedule Risk Assure 5G NTN Performance Before Launch In the complex and quickly evolving 5G NTN landscape, simulating, emulating, and evaluating RF systems boosts mission success. Qualification of Multi-Channel Direction Finding Radar Receivers in The Lab Bullet Impact Testing of Ammunition and Explosives at Picatinny Arsenal A bullet impact (BI) test for evaluating the response of energetically loaded items has been established at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Command (DEVCOM) Armaments Center (AC) Explosive Development Facility.