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SAE International Award for Commercial Vehicle Innovation honoring Magnus Hendrickson - Participate - SAE International

Purpose: This award honors renowned inventor and businessman Magnus Hendrickson, who founded Hendrickson Motor Truck Company in 1913, by recognizing individuals or teams (SAE members or non-members) whose efforts in commercial vehicle dynamics represent true innovation and have created significant, lasting change in the commercial vehicle industry. This award was made possible by a generous gift from Hendrickson. Criteria: The ideal award recipient(s) is an individual or team (SAE member or non-member) whose research and/or practical application represents unique, original concepts that when applied to vehicle dynamics, cause significant, positive change and elevate vehicle dynamics to new levels of innovation. “Commercial Vehicle” is defined as a Class 1 through 8 on-highway or on/off–highway truck, tractor-trailer, or bus whose primary purpose is to transport goods or people and excludes any such vehicles intended solely for use in military, farming, or construction applications.
Journal Article

An Electric Analogy for Modeling the Aerodynamics of Engineered and Biological Flight

Abstract There are examples in aerodynamics that take advantage of electric-to-aerodynamic analogies, like the law of Biot–Savart, which is used in aerodynamic theory to calculate the velocity induced by a vortex line. This article introduces an electric-to-aerodynamic analogy that models the lift, drag, and thrust of an airplane, a helicopter, a propeller, and a flapping bird. ...This model is intended to complement the recently published aerodynamic equation of state for lift, drag, and thrust of an engineered or a biological flyer by means of an analogy between this equation and Ohm’s law. ...This model, as well as the aerodynamic equation of state, are both intended to include the familiar and time-proven parameters of pressure, work, and energy, analytical tools that are ubiquitous in all fields of science but absent in an aerodynamicists’ day-to-day tasks.
Technical Paper

Aerodynamics' Influence on Performance in Human-Powered Vehicles for Sustainable Transportation

The article analyses dissipation sources from rolling resistance, aerodynamics, inertia, and more for various vehicles, emphasizing the fundamental role of aerodynamic resistance for HPVs. It is here shown that, for classical non-enclosed bicycles, aerodynamic resistance is typically much higher than rolling resistance, and possibly higher than any type of dissipation during rural trips.

Aerospace & Defense Technology: June 2024

Digital Twinning and Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information Aitiip Integrates Freeform Injection Molding to Lower Weight and Reduce Production Costs Image Sensors and Cameras Based on Colloidal Quantum Dots for Defense Applications How SpaceVPX is Influencing the Design of Next Generation Spacecraft Avionics Pioneering Space Communication with Terrestrial Know-How NASA's Optical Communications Demo Transmits Data Over 140 Million Miles NRL Research Physicists Explore Fiber Optic Computing Using Distributed Feedback Researchers introduce a fiber-optic computing architecture based on temporal multiplexing and distributed feedback that performs multiple convolutions on the input data in a single layer A New Approach to Assessing the Quality of Aerospace Components A sensing technology that can assess the quality of components in fields such as aerospace could transform UK industry New Research on Noise Reduction for Next Generation Aircraft Engines The mystery of how futuristic aircraft embedded engines, featuring an energy-conserving arrangement, make noise has been solved by researchers at the University of Bristol.
Technical Paper

A Comparative Study of RANS and Machine Learning Techniques for Aerodynamic Analysis of Aerofoils

The design of aerospace applications necessities precise predictions of aerodynamic properties, often obtained through resource-intensive numerical simulations. These simulations, though they are accurate, but are unsuitable for iterative design processes due to their computational complexity and time-consuming nature. ...This study explores the application of the Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN), a machine learning model, to forecast critical aerodynamic coefficients such as lift and drag for airfoils. The BPNN model is fed with input parameters including the airfoils name, flow Reynolds number, and angle of attack in relation to incoming flows. ...Training the BPNN model is accomplished using a dataset derived from CFD simulations employing the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model on three distinct NACA series airfoils under varying aerodynamic conditions. The data from these simulations are divided into training (70%) and validation/testing (30%) subsets.
Technical Paper

High Payload Fraction UAV Design and Performance Evaluation

The design of each component was done through a general iterative process, with the constraints being the requirements and the assumptions made in the sizing process. Aerodynamic coefficients were determined via the vortex particle wake method using flow5 software.
Technical Paper

Numerical Investigation of Aerodynamic Characteristics on a Blunt Cone Model at Various Angles of Attack under Hypersonic Flow Regimes

The study of aerodynamic forces in hypersonic environments is important to ensure the safety and proper functioning of aerospace vehicles. ...In this paper, computational analysis has been performed on a blunt cone model to study the aerodynamic characteristics when hypersonic flow is allowed to pass through the model. The flow has a Mach number of 8.44 and the AOA is varied from 0° to 20°. ...This study helps in understanding the aerodynamic and stability characteristics of hypersonic vehicles at various angles of attack that is significantly different from those of the subsonic or supersonic vehicles.
Technical Paper

Numerical Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Missile Geometry at Mach 4

The study contemplates to provide new insights into the missile aerodynamic performance which includes the coefficient of lift (CL), coefficient of drag (CD) and coefficient of moment (CM) using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). ...As the technology is advancing, there is a need for high-speed weapons (missiles) with a good aerodynamic performance, which intern will benefit in reduction of fuel consumption. In order to meet the requirements, aerodynamic shape optimization can be performed. ...In order to meet the requirements, aerodynamic shape optimization can be performed. This paper will create a basic knowledge about the N1G missiles aerodynamic performance at Mach 4.
Technical Paper

Static Aeroelastic Analysis and Study of Control Effectiveness of a Typical Reusable Launch Vehicle

Launch vehicles are vulnerable to aeroelastic effects due to their lightweight, flexible, and higher aerodynamic loads. Aero elasticity research has therefore become an inevitable concern in the development of the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). ...Control effectiveness is the capability of a control surface to produce aerodynamic forces and moments to maneuver the vehicle along the intended path. The static aeroelastic problem determines the efficiency of control, aircraft trim behavior, static stability, and maneuvering quality in steady flight conditions. ...This study is performed using a finite-element structural model (MSC/NASTRAN, MSC/PATRAN) coupled to an aerodynamic model (Doublet Lattice Method) based on Panel method, along the descent phase trajectory of the launch vehicle.
Technical Paper

Experimental Analysis of Force Recovery and Response Time Using Strain Measurement Sensors in Stress Wave Force Balance

Severe problem of aerodynamic heating and drag force are inherent with any hypersonic space vehicle like space shuttle, missiles etc. ...There are many sensors (Accelerometer, Strain gauge and Piezofilm) reported in the literature that is used for evaluating the actual aerodynamic forces over test model in high speed flow. As per previous study, the piezofilm also become an alternative sensor over the strain gauges due to its simple instrumentation.
Technical Paper

Structural Loads for Crew Escape System of Human Space Flight during Abort

The structural loads experienced by the CES during the mission abort are severe as the propulsive, aerodynamic and inertial forces on the vehicle are significantly high. Since the mission abort can occur at anytime during the ascent phase of the launch vehicle, trajectory profiles are generated for abort at every one second interval of ascent flight period considering several combinations of dispersions on various propulsive parameters of abort motors and aero parameters. ...Depending on the time of abort, the ignition delay of PM, LEM and HEM are adjusted in order to minimize the lateral acceleration on the vehicle, at the same time meeting the horizontal range requirement. Aerodynamic load distributions on the vehicle and aero forces and moments on the Grid fin are generated for various Mach No., Angle of Attack (AoA) combinations for jet ON and jet OFF conditions of PM, LEM and HEM. ...In order to estimate the structural loads for CES during abort, inertia relief analyses are carried out for static load on a free-free finite element model at all the time instances in the abort trajectory as a time sweep simulation considering the appropriate aerodynamic forces, propulsive parameters (mass consumption and thrust) and trajectory parameters (Mach No., Dynamic Pressure and AoA) at each time instant in the trajectory.
Technical Paper

Analysis for Effect of Angle of Attack on Coefficient of Lift of Wing Structure

Dimensional optimization has always been a time-consuming process, especially for aerodynamic bodies, requiring much tuning of dimensions and testing for each sample. Aerodynamic auxiliaries, especially wings, are design dependent on the primary model attached, as they influence the amount of lift or reduction in drag which is beneficial to the model.