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Technical Paper

A CDMA Based Approach for QoS Improvement in Intra-Aircraft Wireless Sensor Networks (IAWSN)

These applications help in improving passenger experience, flight operational efficiency, optimized maintenance planning and aircraft downtime reduction. Intra Aircraft WSNs (IAWSN) used for such applications are expected to provide robust and reliable communication performance. ...Scalable and robust connectivity enables futuristic applications like smart cabins, prognostic health management (PHM) and AI/ML based analytics for effective decision making leading to flight operational efficiency, optimized maintenance planning and aircraft downtime reduction. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are gaining prominence on the aircraft for providing large scale connectivity solution that are essential for implementing various health monitoring applications like Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Prognostic Health Management (PHM), etc. and control applications like smart lighting, smart seats, smart lavatory, etc. ...In addition, they are subjected to additional electromagnetic interference from other electronic and avionic systems onboard aircraft. There are various channel management, priority-based scheduling and time-sharing techniques that are deployed currently to address the co-existence problem.
Technical Paper

A CFD Approach for Predicting 3D Ice Accretion on Aircraft

The tool is based on a multiscale-physics, unstructured finite-volume CFD approach and is applicable to general purpose aircraft icing applications. The present approach combines an Eulerian-based droplet-trajectory solver that is loosely coupled, in a time-accurate manner, to a surface-film and ice-evolution model.
Technical Paper

A CFD-Based, Application-Oriented, Integrated Simulation Environment for Rapid Prediction of Aerodynamic Sensitivities of 3-D Configurations

Within the frame of a series of initiatives aimed at improving effectiveness of its aircraft design and analysis capabilities, the Military Division of Daimler-Benz Aerospace (Dasa) is developing MIDAS, a multidisciplinary integration framework for a suite of numerical codes suitable to quickly and still accurately assess aircraft performance. ...Within the frame of a series of initiatives aimed at improving effectiveness of its aircraft design and analysis capabilities, the Military Division of Daimler-Benz Aerospace (Dasa) is developing MIDAS, a multidisciplinary integration framework for a suite of numerical codes suitable to quickly and still accurately assess aircraft performance. As MIDAS specifically targets support of configurational studies in a Conceptual and Preliminary Design environment, peculiar requirements such as scope, range of applicability, and robustness of the system components, reliability of results, care-free operability, and fast response times have to be properly addressed. ...This paper deals with the parts of the system that starting from the definition of the aircraft geometry allows the user to obtain - in a highly automated way - the basic aerodynamic data, as required by the down-stream MIDAS processes - e.g. performance analysis, configuration sizing, structural analysis and preliminary flight simulation investigation.
Technical Paper

A Camera Installation in a Pressurized Part 23 Aircraft

This paper describes some of the steps necessary to certificate a camera installation in a Part 23 aircraft. The camera is large and necessitates the severing of a major structural member (keel beam).
Technical Paper

A Candidate Electrical Power System for Next Generation Military Aircraft

An electrical system composed of an integral main engine electrical starter/generator and a power management and distribution system for a high performance more electric airplane is presented. The paper emphasizes the fault tolerance and high reliability requirements and discusses the necessary architecture to satisfy them. A number of critical technical issues associated with the more electric airplane, such as severe EMI environment, regenerative power, and system integration and stability are discussed.
Technical Paper

A Canister Fuel Pump for General Aviation Aircraft

A new family of canister-type fuel pumps for use on both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft in general aviation use will be described. The pump, which features a wet-brush DC motor, offers advantages on aircraft where ease of maintenance and minimum downtime is very important. ...The pump, which features a wet-brush DC motor, offers advantages on aircraft where ease of maintenance and minimum downtime is very important. Major features of the new design, pump performance, and maintenance cost savings will be discussed.
Technical Paper

A Case Study of Stormwater Runoff Containing Deicing / Anti-icing Fluids Treatment at DFW Airport

Airline tenants at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW Airport) use deicing/anti-icing chemicals, as may be needed, to maintain wintertime operations. DFW Airport has implemented best management practices for pollution prevention measures relating to deicing/anti-icing activities. However, as the planes leave the deicing pads, deicing/anti-icing fluids can drip from the planes onto the runways, taxiways, and ramp areas. As planes take off, the fluids can also shear off onto Airport property. During winter storm events, these deicing/anti-icing fluids are flushed off the runways, etc., with the stormwater. Stormwater containing deicing/anti-icing fluids can discharge through outfalls into Trigg Lake located in the southwestern part of the DFW Airport property.
Technical Paper

A Case for Realistic Training

More realistic training for flight crews would not only be beneficial but could be instrumental in the reduction of incidents and accidents, as well as the casualties caused by accidents. Modern equipment and technology are a plus, but they are not necessary for the application of realistic training, when realistic means any training that can provide flight crews with the necessary practical knowledge and skill to deal effectively with real world situations. Examples of this are provided.
Technical Paper

A Category II Avionics System

The electronics package for a Category II qualified business jet aircraft and the function of the various components of the system are described. These components include: dual Collins 51-RV-l VOR/ILS/G. ...S. receivers which provide and utilize beams along which the aircraft descends for a safe approach; a Collins AL-101 radio altimeter to determine altitude; dual flight directors for automatic and manual approaches; and a Collins 54W-1 comparator warning system, to name a few.
Technical Paper

A Characterization of Accelerations Induced on the Free Floating Testbed During Parabolic Flight

The FFTB is a general purpose free floating platform that allows experiments to be floated inside the cabin of the aircraft during parabolic flight. By floating experiments, rather than mounting them to the aircraft, a much lower level of accelerations can be achieved. ...Data collected by the accelerometer system during KC-135 flights, both fixed to the aircraft and free floating, will be analyzed and a characterization of the low frequency acceleration environment will be given.
Technical Paper

A Close-Coupled Canard, Technology Demonstration Aircraft for General Aviation Applications

From the literature, theoretical analyses and subscale windtunnel aerodynamic investigations of canard aircraft configurations indicate benefits which are enhanced by close-coupling the canard to the wing. ...To properly evaluate the advantages and to investigate some solutions to the problems associated with the close-coupled canard, a full-scale aircraft development was initiated. A dual purpose of this development was to create a proof-of- concept vehicle designed to satisfy a general aviation requirement, and demonstrate a subsonic, close-coupled canard technology.
Technical Paper

A Closed Cycle, High-Altitude Rotary Engine for Unmanned Ozone Sampler

To date large amounts of funding are not available to the atmospheric science community, so to be useful, the aircraft must satisfy stringent cost and performance criteria. Among these, the aircraft has to be capable of carrying 50 kg of payload to altitudes of at least 25km, have a initial cost in the $1-2M range, be capable of launch from remote sites, and be available no later than 1994. ...This paper documents the design and validation of a closed cycle propulsion system suitable for use on the Perseus A high altitude research aircraft. The atmospheric science community is expected to be the primary user of this aircraft with initial missions devoted to the study of ozone depletion and global warming. ...Demonstrated output and fuel and oxidizer specifics are consistent with the performance requirements of the Perseus A aircraft.
Technical Paper

A Clutch for V/STOL

A clutch is required between the combiner box and the forward or nose fan for some versions of V/STOL aircraft. This clutch has been designed to transmit 11,000 HP at fan drive speeds, and be capable of minimum engagement times and rapid cycling.
Journal Article

A Cockpit Point of View on "Human Factors" for a Changing ATM Environment

For aircraft, the real added value of HF has been shown in being able to identify the real and relevant HF issues and to permanently adapt the methods to design and demonstrate efficient, easy to use, and safe aircraft. Building new technologies in aircraft for the future ATM requires not only to strive for a Human Factors Integration focusing on systems and Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) but also integrating concepts of inter- and intra-organizational human cooperation on the level of an operational concept. ...The expected changes represent challenges for the human actors in the aircraft and on ground and must be taken into account during the development phase. Integrating the human in the ATM system development starting from the early design phase is a key factor for future acceptability. ...This paper describes the adaptation of currently applied Cockpit Human Factors processes in order to be able to design the aircraft for the future ATM environment. Starting with the Airbus experience in successfully integrating Human Factors (HF) in the design and certification of aircraft, factors are described that identify how human actors can be integrated during the system engineering process when taking an air/ground perspective.