Journal Article
Physics-Based Misbehavior Detection System for V2X Communications
Abstract Vehicle to Everything (V2X) allows vehicles, pedestrians, and infrastructure to share information for the purpose of preventing accidents, enhancing road safety, and improving the efficiency and energy consumption of transportation. Although V2X messages are authenticated, their content is not validated. Sensor errors or adversarial attacks can cause messages to be perturbed and, therefore, increase the likelihood of traffic jams, compromise the decision process of other vehicles, or provoke fatal crashes. In this article, we introduce V2X Core Anomaly Detection System (VCADS), a system based on the theory presented in [1] and built for the fields provided in the periodic messages shared across vehicles (i.e., Basic Safety Messages, BSMs). VCADS uses physics-based models to constrain the values in each field and detect anomalies by finding the numerical difference between a field and independent derivations of the same field.