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9100品質マネジメントシステムにおけるAQAP 2110の適用に関するガイダンス

この文書は、供給者が9100の規定を遵守する場合の、AQAP-2110の適用に関する情報及びガイダンスを提供するために作成され、発行された。この文書は、AQAP-2110-SRD.2及びIA9137として発行されている。この文書は、NATO及び業界によるAQAP-2110及び9100の関係の理解及び利用を容易にするために、NATO及び業界の代表者が協同で策定した。AQAPは、調達国が対外有償軍事援助(FMS)を調達手段として利用する場合に、必要となる場合がある。 この文書の目的は、調達者及びその9100供給者によるAQAP-2110要求事項の解釈の共通化に寄与することである。 この文書の内容は法的位置づけも契約上の位置づけも有せず、AQAP-2110の要求事項又は9100の要求事項のいずれに対しても取って代わるものでも、追加するものでも、削除するものでもない。 様々な状況が、作業、工程の種類、又は使用される機器、及び関わる要員のスキルのような要因に左右されて存在し得るため、このガイダンスは網羅的なものと見なされることも、また、契約書の要求事項を満たすための特定の手段や方法を義務付けるものと見なされることも望ましくない。ステークホルダーは、これらの要求事項を満たすために、他の手段や方法が使用され得ることを認識すべきである。 このガイダンスの利用者は、AQAP 2110要求事項が、契約書に引用されているとおり、供給者や二次供給者に義務付けられていることに留意することが望ましい。

9162 Aerospace Operator Self-Verification Programs

This document identifies the basic elements and provides a standard for structuring operator self-verification programs within the aviation, space, and defense industry for producers of commercial and military aircraft and weapons platforms, space vehicles, and all related hardware, software, electronics, engines, and composite components.
Technical Paper

A CFD Approach for Predicting 3D Ice Accretion on Aircraft

In this work, a newly developed iced-aircraft modeling tool is applied to wings, engine inlets, and helicopter rotors. The tool is based on a multiscale-physics, unstructured finite-volume CFD approach and is applicable to general purpose aircraft icing applications. ...The goal of the model is to improve the fidelity of ice accretion modeling on dynamic geometries and for three-dimensional ice shapes typical of helicopter rotors. The numerical formulation is discussed and presented alongside 2D and 3D static validation cases, and dynamic helicopter rotors. ...The numerical formulation is discussed and presented alongside 2D and 3D static validation cases, and dynamic helicopter rotors. The present results display good validation for predicting ice shape on a variety of geometries, and a strong initial capability of modeling ice forming on helicopters in forward flight.
Technical Paper

A CFD-Based, Application-Oriented, Integrated Simulation Environment for Rapid Prediction of Aerodynamic Sensitivities of 3-D Configurations

Within the frame of a series of initiatives aimed at improving effectiveness of its aircraft design and analysis capabilities, the Military Division of Daimler-Benz Aerospace (Dasa) is developing MIDAS, a multidisciplinary integration framework for a suite of numerical codes suitable to quickly and still accurately assess aircraft performance.
Technical Paper

A Candidate Electrical Power System for Next Generation Military Aircraft

An electrical system composed of an integral main engine electrical starter/generator and a power management and distribution system for a high performance more electric airplane is presented. The paper emphasizes the fault tolerance and high reliability requirements and discusses the necessary architecture to satisfy them. A number of critical technical issues associated with the more electric airplane, such as severe EMI environment, regenerative power, and system integration and stability are discussed.
Technical Paper

A Comparison of Lithium-Ion and Lead-Acid Aircraft Batteries

Lithium-Ion technology is already being used in some military aircraft (e.g., the F-22, F-35 and the B-2) and it has also been selected as original equipment for large commercial aircraft (e.g., the Airbus A380 and Boeing B787).
Technical Paper

A Description of the VTOL Airline System

Two types of service are recognized: metropolitan area service, connecting airports with downtown and suburban heliports -- which will continue to be done by helicopters; and inter-city downtown to downtown service employing high speed future type VTOL aircraft. ...Currently operating VTOL airlines are demonstrating the practicality of metropolitan area helicopter service. Advanced, high speed VTOL vehicles, introduced in the 1970’s will make extension of current routes possible to inter-city service.
Technical Paper

A Dynamic Crash Test of an H-25 Helicopter

An H-25A Piasecki helicopter has been employed in recreating a “typical” accident occurring with both longitudinal and vertical velocity components at impact. ...For the helicopter, large magnitude, short duration, accelerations have been observed. By contrast, accelerations of smaller magnitude but with relatively longer duration were found for transport type aircraft by NACA.
Technical Paper

A European Experience on International Collaborations

This paper deals with the experience gained by Aeritalia on international collaborations in military, civil and space programs with special emphasis on the history of the several programs, their impact on the development of the capabilities of the Company and the lessons learned in carrying out multinational aerospace programs with other european and american partner companies.
Technical Paper

A Flexible Development System for Automated Aircraft Assembly

Louis, MO manufacturers various transport and fighter military aircraft such as the C-17 and the F/A-18. With shrinking military budgets and increased competition, market forces demand high quality parts at lower cost and shorter lead times.
Technical Paper

A Forecast of the Aerospace Industry's Transition to Modular Avionics

For forty years, the Aerospace Industry has seen a 1 percent per week growth in the capabilities of its computers, memory devices, display generators, sensors, and signal processors. At first, this was led by the Aerospace Industry, but now the leadership has been taken over by commercial companies providing for consumer products, and aerospace companies have been falling behind because of low sales, no new product developments, drawn out development programs, and their related problems. Avionics companies can see that every year, one box can replace two, and so they have one of two strategies: Be the supplier of that one box, or claw out a niche that will require their box to continue to be required. As hardware costs drop, more and more of what they do is software and many of them have previously down-played software by buying it or by using warmed-up old software.
Technical Paper

A Forward Look at Gas Turbine Testing Facilities

Comparisons are made between military specification and currently perceived contractor testing requirements for gas turbine engines, rotating components, and accessories to meet future military procurement expectations, along with the influence of development instrumentation measurement uncertainty. ...Comparisons are made between military specification and currently perceived contractor testing requirements for gas turbine engines, rotating components, and accessories to meet future military procurement expectations, along with the influence of development instrumentation measurement uncertainty.


This Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is a general overview of typical airborne vibration monitoring (AVM) systems with an emphasis on system hardware design considerations. It describes AVM systems currently in use. The purpose of this AIR is to provide information and guidance for the selection, installation, and use of AVM systems and their elements. This AIR is not intended as a legal document but only as a technical guide.
Technical Paper

A Generic Model Concept for Optimisation in Preliminary Design

The design process is an interactive feedback process where the performance of the design is compared with the performance specification. In aircraft design it is very important that the system is optimised with respect to different aspects such as performance and weight. Traditionally, and by necessity, the design procedure has began with some kind of performance specification followed by a conceptual design, and after that the system has been optimised (usually implicitly) with respect to the performance specification. Typically, aircraft design optimisation is characterised by a multitude of objectives that can be difficult to compare to each other, such as low fuel consumption, high speed and passenger comfort. Usually this is where the engineering judgement of the designer comes in. In traditional design it is often difficult to establish what was the result of design decisions and what was the result of pure optimisation.
Technical Paper

A Global Range Hypersonic Cruiser?

The realization of unrefuled, hypersonic global range flight could have a significant impact on both commercial and military aircraft in the 21st century. This paper presents the results of a study done for the Air Force on the technical feasibility of an un-refueled, global range hypersonic aircraft.

A Guide for Application of Rf Photonics to Aerospace Platforms

This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is devoted to the challenges of applying optics to new advanced RF analog systems only; digital data link applications are covered elsewhere in protocol/architecture specific documents like Fibre Channel, ATM, Ethernet, Sonet, etc.

A Guide to APU Health Management

AIR5317 establishes the foundation for developing a successful APU health management capability for any commercial or military operator, flying fixed wing aircraft or rotorcraft. This AIR provides guidance for demonstrating business value through improved dispatch reliability, fewer service interruptions, and lower maintenance costs and for satisfying Extended Operations (ETOPS) availability and compliance requirements.

A Guide to APU Health Management

The SAE Guide to APU health management establishes the foundation for developing a successful APU health management program at any aircraft or APU operator, such as an airline, an OEM, an equipment supplier, or a military transport unit. This guide identifies the best practices for using an APU health management program to improve dispatch reliability and to satisfy Extended Operations (ETOPS) availability requirements.