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A Process for Utilizing Aerospace Propulsion Health Management Systems for Airworthiness Credit

The process detailed within this document is generic and applies to the entire end-to-end health management capability, covering both on-board and on-ground elements, in both commercial and military applications throughout their lifecycle. This ARP addresses a gap in guidance related to usage of ground-based health management equipment for airworthiness credit, ensuring a level of integrity commensurate with the potential aircraft-level consequences of the relevant failure conditions.

LED Landing, Taxiing, Runway Turnoff, and Recognition Lights

This document includes recommendations of installations of adequate landing and taxiing lighting systems in aircraft of the following categories: a Single engine personal and/or liaison type b Light twin engine c Large multiengine propeller d Large multiengine turbojet e Military high-performance fighter and attack f Helicopter g Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (EVTOL) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM)

Procedure for the Analysis and Evaluation of Gaseous Emissions from Aircraft Engines

Some successful applications include: Aircraft engine combustor development rig tests (aviation jet fueled) Stationary source combustor development rig tests (natural gas and diesel fueled) Afterburning military engine tests (aviation jet fueled) Internal combustion aircraft engine diagnostics (AVGAS fueled) Each application may be characterized by very different measured emissions levels (parts per million versus percent by volume) but this common approach solves the same basic combustion chemical equation.
Technical Paper

Analysis of Airworthiness Directives for Formulating Aircraft Sensor Solutions and Maintenance Strategies

Airworthiness Directives (ADs) serve as a medium through which commercial and military regulators improve the system’s performance by responding to the failure of the airplanes. ...The dataset derived from the Boeing 767 (B767) and its military derivatives, USAF’s KC-46A gives ideas into sensor solutions and maintenance approaches that may reduce these costs. ...To reduce future B767 ADs for commercial and military operators, sensor solution and maintenance strategies using performance metric and genetic algorithm are assessed.
Technical Paper

Integrating MIL-STD Requirements into SysML Projects: A Unified Approach

In support of developing complex systems, integrating requirements from various source standards, such as the Military Standard (MIL-STD) series and others, presents a significant challenge. This paper explores the development of Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) Systems Modeling Language (SysML) projects that incorporate MIL-STD requirements.
Technical Paper

Considerations for Requirements and Specifications of a Digital Thread in Aircraft Data Life Cycle Management

This necessitates the need for standards on data interoperability to support efficient maintenance, logistics, operations, and design improvements for both commercial and military aircraft ecosystems. A digital thread defines an approach and a system which connects the data flows and represents a holistic view of an asset data across its lifecycle.

Actuators: Aircraft Flight Controls, Power Operated, Hydraulic, General Specification For

The original version of this document was intended for military usage: consequently, the requirements still often reflect such use. However, the basic requirements of this ARP may and should be applicable to commercial usage as well, provided that appropriate considerations are given for the applicable FAR/JAR 25 regulations, hydraulic fluids, and environmental conditions.

9100品質マネジメントシステムにおけるAQAP 2110の適用に関するガイダンス

この文書は、供給者が9100の規定を遵守する場合の、AQAP-2110の適用に関する情報及びガイダンスを提供するために作成され、発行された。この文書は、AQAP-2110-SRD.2及びIA9137として発行されている。この文書は、NATO及び業界によるAQAP-2110及び9100の関係の理解及び利用を容易にするために、NATO及び業界の代表者が協同で策定した。AQAPは、調達国が対外有償軍事援助(FMS)を調達手段として利用する場合に、必要となる場合がある。 この文書の目的は、調達者及びその9100供給者によるAQAP-2110要求事項の解釈の共通化に寄与することである。 この文書の内容は法的位置づけも契約上の位置づけも有せず、AQAP-2110の要求事項又は9100の要求事項のいずれに対しても取って代わるものでも、追加するものでも、削除するものでもない。 様々な状況が、作業、工程の種類、又は使用される機器、及び関わる要員のスキルのような要因に左右されて存在し得るため、このガイダンスは網羅的なものと見なされることも、また、契約書の要求事項を満たすための特定の手段や方法を義務付けるものと見なされることも望ましくない。ステークホルダーは、これらの要求事項を満たすために、他の手段や方法が使用され得ることを認識すべきである。 このガイダンスの利用者は、AQAP 2110要求事項が、契約書に引用されているとおり、供給者や二次供給者に義務付けられていることに留意することが望ましい。

9100 품질관리시스템 내 AQAP 2110 적용에 관한 지침

이 문서는 공급자가 9100의 조항을 준수하고자 할 때 AQAP-2110을 적용하는 것에 관한 정보와 지침을 제공하기 위해 작성 및 발행된 것이다. 이 문서는 AQAP-2110-SRD.2 및 IA9137로 간행된다. 이는 NATO와 산업계에서 AQAP-2110과 9100 간의 관계에 대한 이해와 활용을 촉진하기 위해 NATO와 산업계 대표들이 공동으로 작성한 것이다. 획득 국가가 자국의 조달 방법으로 대외군사판매(FMS)를 이용할 때는 AQAP가 필요할 수 있다. 이 문서는 획득 국가와 9100을 준수하고자 하는 공급 국가의 AQAP-2110 요구사항 해석에 있어 공통성을 제공하는 데에 목적을 두고 있다. 이 문서의 내용은 법적 또는 계약상의 지위를 갖지 않으며, 일체의 AQAP-2110 또는 9100 요구사항을 대체하거나 그 요구사항에 추가되는 것도 아니다. 있을 수 있는 조건의 다양성(작업 또는 공정의 유형, 사용 기기 및 관련 인원의 역량에 따르는) 때문에, 이 지침이 모든 것에 적용되는 것으로 간주하거나, 계약 요구사항 충족에 필요한 특정 수단 또는 방법을 강요하는 것으로 간주해서는 안 된다. 이해당사자들은 이러한 요구사항을 충족하기 위해 다른 수단 또는 방법을 사용할 수도 있다는 점을 알고 있어야 한다. 이 지침 사용자는 계약서에 명시되는 바와 같이 AQAP 2110 요구사항이 공급자와 하청업체가 지켜야 하는 의무사항임을 명심해야 한다.

Aerospace Standards Index - 2024

This valuable resource lists all Aerospace Standards (AS), Aerospace Recommended Practices (ARP), Aerospace Information Reports (AIR), and Aerospace Resource Documents (ARD) published by SAE. Each listing includes title, subject, document number, key words, new and revised documents, and DODISS-adopted documents. AMS Index - Now Available!

Aerospace & Defense Technology: February 2024

Certified Machine Learning-Based Avionics: Unlocking Safer Revolutionizing Electronic Warfare: Unleashing the Power of High-Performance Software Defined Radios Deterministic and Modular Architecture for Embedded Vehicle Systems Approximating the Material Stresses and System Requirements for Hypersonic Flight Design Approaches for Established and Emerging RF Receiver Architectures Rydberg Technologies Shows Potential of Long-Range RF with Quantum Sensor at NetModX23 New Method to Measure Wind Speed Could Unlock Drones' Potential A fundamentally different approach to wind estimation using unmanned aircraft than the vast majority of existing methods. This method uses no on-board flow sensor and does not attempt to estimate thrust or drag forces. Report on Human Factors Issues Likely to Affect Air-Launched Effects This report reviews human factors research on the supervision of multiple unmanned vehicles (UVs) as it affects human integration with Air-Launched Effects (ALE).