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Technical Paper

Validation of the Coupled PC-CRASH - MADYMO Occupant Simulation Model

During recent years the accident simulation program PCCRASH was developed, which allows to simulate the vehicles movement before, during and after the impact. ...Within SAE 1999-01-0444 a new coupling interface of PC-CRASH and the software MADYMO, developed by TNO in the Netherlands was published. During last year's publication only few validation cases, mainly related to rear end impacts could be demonstrated. ...One major emphasis was set on the influence of the crash pulse, which cannot be derived in PC-CRASH. In this way the paper demonstrates the possibilities as well as the limitations of the numerical model.
Technical Paper

Validation of the PC-Crash Single-Track Vehicle Driver Model for Simulating Motorcycle Motion

The introduction of this model eliminated prior limitations that PC-Crash had for simulating motorcycle motion. Within PC-Crash, a user-defined path can be established for a motorcycle, and the software will generate motion consistent with the user-defined path (within the limits of friction and stability) and calculate the motorcycle lean (roll) generated by following that path at the prescribed speed, braking, or acceleration levels. ...However, the model again did not utilize counter-steering to generate lean, and so it is unlikely that the steering inputs generated by PC-Crash would match the real-world steering inputs. Still, the PC-Crash single-track driver model will yield results that are typically adequate for a crash reconstruction or visualization. ...This paper validates the single-track vehicle driver model available in PC-Crash simulation software. The model is tested, and its limitations are described. The introduction of this model eliminated prior limitations that PC-Crash had for simulating motorcycle motion.