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Technical Paper

48V Battery Pack Thermal Design Concept with Temperature Measurement on a Single Cell

Mild hybrid topology with 48V battery packs offers a cost-effective solution with considerable improvement in fuel economy and performance over the conventional vehicles. Thermal management of the battery pack is of utmost importance to ensure a safe, reliable, and optimal operation over the target lifetime and under varying operating conditions. The battery management system needs to take into consideration the temperature of all the cells in the pack for estimating the maximum allowed current for charge/discharge. For example, at lower temperature the coldest cell in the pack would be more probable to lithium plating and hence will be the limiting case while at higher temperature the allowed current should be such that the hottest cell in the pack is taken care. Pack design with temperature sensor for each cell in the pack will increase the cost, hardware, and software complexity.
Technical Paper

48V Mild-Hybrid Architecture Types, Fuels and Power Levels Needed to Achieve 75g CO2/km

48V mild hybrid powertrains are promising technologies for cost-effective compliance with future CO2 emissions standards. Current 48V powertrains with integrated belt starter generators (P0) with downsized engines achieve CO2 emissions of 95 g/km in the NEDC. However, to reach 75 g/km, it may be necessary to combine new 48V powertrain architectures with alternative fuels. Therefore, this paper compares CO2 emissions from different 48V powertrain architectures (P0, P1, P2, P3) with different electric power levels under various driving cycles (NEDC, WLTC, and RTS95). A numerical model of a compact class passenger car with a 48V powertrain was created and experimental fuel consumption maps for engines running on different fuels (gasoline, Diesel, E85, CNG) were used to simulate its CO2 emissions. The simulation results were analysed to determine why specific powertrain combinations were more efficient under certain driving conditions.
Technical Paper

48 V Hybrid System Technologies to Develop the Most Efficient and Cleanest Diesel

The tighter exhaust emissions standards introduced by governments for light duty vehicles are challenging car manufactures to meet at the same time legal emission limits and fuel efficiency improvements, still providing excellent fun to drive characteristics. The Hybrid and Diesel propulsion systems are two important players on that competition. In this scenario, the 48 V hybridization has the potential to become a cost-effective solution compared to High Voltage systems, outlining a new way to approach the well-known trade-off between CO2 and NOx in Diesels. Aim of this study has been to investigate the benefits offered by a P0 48 V Hybrid system when coupled with a 1.6 L Diesel engine in a 7-seat multi-purpose vehicle.
Technical Paper

50,000 Mile Vehicle Road Test of Three-Way and NOx Reduction Catalyst Systems

The performance of three way and NOx catalysts was evaluated on vehicles utilizing non-feedback fuel control and electronic feedback fuel control. The vehicles accumulated 80,450 km (50,000 miles) using fuels representing the extremes in hydrogen-carbon ratio available for commercial use. Feedback carburetion compared to non-feedback carburetion improved highway fuel economy by about 0.4 km/l (1 mpg) and reduced deterioration of NOx with mileage accumulation. NOx emissions were higher with the low H/C fuel in the three way catalyst system; feedback reduced the fuel effect on NOx in these cars by improving conversion efficiency with the low H/C fuel. Feedback had no measureable effect on HC and CO catalyst efficiency. Hydrocarbon emissions were lower with the low H/C fuel in all cars. Unleaded gasoline octane improver, MMT, at 0.015g Mn/l (0.06 g/gal) increased tailpipe hydrocarbon emissions by 0.05 g/km (0.08 g/mile).
Technical Paper

50cc Two-Stroke Engines for Mopeds, Chainsaws and Motorcycles with Catalysts

4 different engine concepts with Catalyst have been developed in regard to pollutant emission, fuel efficiency and performance. Despite the wide power range from 1,2 HP to 12 HP and the different applications of these engines to Mopeds, Chainsaws and Motorcycles, the problems to solve have been similar. Internal measures such as optimized carburetion, cooling, piston shape and clearance, scavenging and tuning of the exhaust must enable the engine to run on the lean side. This is imperative to supply sufficient oxygen for the exothermal reaction and to keep the energy to be converted in the Oxidation Catalyst at a minimum. Secondary measures have been taken to shorten the Catalyst's light-off and to keep the temperature range in limits.
Technical Paper

52 Development of a Four-stroke Engine with Turbo Charger for Personal Watercraft

There is a movement to apply emission control in a marine engine as well due to high public awareness of environmental concern in the United States. We started at the development of 3-seater Personal Watercraft (PWC) equipped with 4-stroke engines in taking environment conformity and potential into account. The PWC employed series 4-cylinder 1100cc displacement engine that has been used for mass production motorcycles. The engine was modified to satisfy requirements for PWC, as a marine engine, such as performance function and corrosion. In order to achieve greater or equal power/weight ratio as against two-stroke PWCs, a four-stroke engine for PWC with an exhaust turbo charger was developed. As a result, we succeeded in developing an engine that attained top-level running performance and durability superior to competitors' 2-stroke engines.
Technical Paper

6 Speed Transverse Manual Gearbox for High Torque Application

Weight reduction and high transmission efficiency demands are getting heavier to manual transmission (MT) for vehicle driving and fuel economy performance. Also comfortable shift feeling and low gear noise level are continuously required by customer because those sensitivity performances are directly recognized by driver which can determine the transmission's merchantability. Newly developed high torque capacity MT is based on serial transmission BG6 which is adopted into a lot of customer' vehicle. This new MT is weight reduced, shift feeling and gear noise performance are highly improved that keeps strong competitiveness in the future. Concerning shift feeling, its smoothness, force balance and cross shift performance are improved and optimized. Also for low gear noise performance, it was reduced to the level which can have advantage to competitor and highly comfortable for passenger vehicle. Those improvement technologies are reported as follows.
Journal Article

7-XDCT: Compact and Cost-Efficient Dual Clutch Transmission for Small and Mid-Size Vehicles

The automotive industry continues to develop new powertrain technologies aimed at reducing overall vehicle level fuel consumption. The ongoing trends of “downsizing” and “down speeding” have led to the development of turbocharged engines with low displacement and high torque density. In order to meet the launch response requirements with these engines as well as fuel economy needs, transmissions with large ratio spreads will need to be developed. Due to the lack of torque amplification from the torque converter, the next generation of dual clutch transmissions (DCT) will need to have larger launch ratios and ratio spreads than currently available in production today. This paper discusses the development of a new family of DCT (called “xDCT”) for use in front wheel drive vehicles, aimed at meeting some of these challenges. The xDCT family features two innovative concepts, the idea of “gear generation” and “supported shifts”.
Technical Paper

727, B-52 Retrofit with PW2037…. Meeting Today's Requirements

Offering aircraft fuel efficiency improvements of 30 to 40% over the powerplants it will replace, PW2037 retrofit in the 727-200 Advanced and B-52 aircraft is attracting heightened interest. A comparison of PW2037 technical characteristics with current aircraft powerplants substantiates the improvement potential.The engine installation and modifications necessary for aircraft system compatibility do not impose significant increases in complexity or cost. The resultant improvements in aircraft capability (727 and B-52) and economic viability to airlines (7271 produce aircraft uniquely suited to today's operational requirements and constrained equipment budgets.

7th AVL International Commercial Powertrain Conference Proceedings (2013)

The AVL International Commercial Powertrain Conference is the premier forum for truck, agricultural and construction equipment manufacturers to discuss powertrain technology challenges and solutions across their industries. The topics of the conference, which happens every two years, cover all five elements of a modern powertrain: engine, transmission, electric motor, battery and the electronic control which are used basically the same way in the quest for optimal efficiency and environmental compatibility. This event offers a unique opportunity for highly regarded professionals to address the synergy effects and distinctive characteristics of commercial vehicles, agricultural tractors and non-road vehicles, and industrial machinery. The conference held in 2013 focused on CO2 reduction, one of the most talked-about subjects in the mobility arena.
Technical Paper

912iS Fuel Injected Aircraft Engine

The 912 engine is a well known 4-cylinder horizontally opposed 4-stroke liquid-/air-cooled aircraft engine. The 912 family has a strong track record: 40 000 engines sold / 25 000 still in operation / 5 million flight hours annually. 88% of all light aircraft OEMs use Rotax engines. The 912iS is an evolution of the Rotax 912ULS carbureted engine. The “i” stands for electronic fuel injection which has been developed according to flight standards, providing a better fuel efficiency over the current 912ULS of more than 20% and in a range of 38% to 70% compared to other competitive engines in the light sport, ultra-light aircraft and the general aviation industry. BRP engineers have incorporated several technology enhancements. The fully redundant digital Engine Control Unit (ECU) offers a computer based electronic diagnostic system which makes it easier to diagnose and service the engine.
Technical Paper

A 1D Analysis into the Effect of Variable Valve Timing on HCCI Engine Parameters

The effects of variable intake-valve-timing on the gas exchange process and performance of a 4-valve direct-injection HCCI engine were computationally investigated using a 1D gas dynamics engine cycle simulation code. A non-typical strategy to actuate the pair of intake valves was examined; whereby each valve was assumed to be actuated independently at different timing. Using such an intake valves strategy, the obtained results showed a considerable improvement of the engine parameters such as load and charging efficiency as compared with the typical identical intake valve pair timings case. Additional benefits of minimizing pumping losses and improving the fuel economy were demonstrated with the use of the non-simultaneous actuation of the intake valve pair having the opening timing of the early intake valve coupled with a symmetric degree of crank angle for the timing of exhaust valve closing.
Technical Paper

A 3D-Simulation with Detailed Chemical Kinetics of Combustion and Quenching in an HCCI Engine

A 3D-CFD model with detailed chemical kinetics was developed to investigate the combustion characteristics of HCCI engines, especially those fueled with hydrogen and n-heptane. The effects of changes in some of the key important variables that included compression ratio and chamber surface temperature on the combustion processes were investigated. Particular attention was given, while using a finer 3-D mesh, to the development of combustion within the chamber crevices between the piston top-land and cylinder wall. It is shown that changes in the combustion chamber wall surface temperature values influence greatly the autoignition timing and location of its first occurrence within the chamber. With high chamber wall temperatures, autoignition takes place first at regions near the cylinder wall while with low surface temperatures; autoignition takes place closer to the central region of the mixture charge.
Technical Paper

A Before and After Study of the Change to Unleaded Gasoline-Test Results from EPA and Other Cycles

A fleet of 50, 1986-1987 model year cars designed for unleaded gasoline has been tested on the road and on a chassis dynamometer over 5 driving cycles and a wide range of other manoeuvres including steady speeds. It was found that the fuel consumption of this fleet was 17 to 23% (depending on test cycle) less than that of a corresponding fleet to leaded fuelled cars of 1980 model year average. Exhaust emissions were significantly lowered in the range of 45 to 93%. However trend line analysis of the several data sets indicates that the ULG fleet has about 6% higher fuel consumption than would have been expected if there had been a continuing evolution of leaded vehicle technology. The data base produced has applicability to a wide range of planning and design tasks, and those illustrated indicate the effects of speed limit changes and advisory speed signs on fuel consumption and emissions.
Technical Paper

A Bi-Level Optimization Approach for Eco-Driving of Heavy-Duty Vehicles

With the increase of heavy-duty transportation, more fuel efficient technologies and services have become of great importance due to their environmental and economical impacts for the fleet managers. In this paper, we first develop a new analytical model of the heavy-truck for its dynamics and its fuel consumption, and valid the model with experimental measurements. Then, we propose a bi-level optimization approach to reduce the fuel consumption, thus the CO2 emissions, while ensuring several safety constraints in real-time. Numerical results show that important reduction of the fuel consumption can be achieved, while satisfying imposed safety constraints.
Technical Paper

A Brief Discussion on Vehicle Coast-Down Comparative Analysis

Vehicle Fuel Economy and Emission measurements requires road load determination by standardized Coast-down test. Worldwide stablished standards for testing and calculation apply second order polynomial fit models to describe road load. The common approach on road load analysis and validation is by direct comparison of coefficients and corresponding parabolas. This paper discuss an alternative approach (currently used by the USA Environmental Protection Agency) for estimating road load energy loss on standard test driving profile. Combining simple physical concepts on Work with the road load model and the chassis dynamometer driving profile, equations are derived describing the energy loss as a function of road load coefficients on a fuel economy test.
Technical Paper

A Broad-Spectrum, Non-Metallic Additive for Gasoline and Diesel Fuels: Performance in Gasoline Engines

This paper describes the performance of a single, multifunctional additive that alleviates many of the common gasoline and Diesel fuel problems. The additive has been deemed “substantially similar” by the EPA and thus may be used for bulk treatment of unleaded gasoline. Test data obtained from several independent laboratories are presented. The results show that the additive limits octane requirement increase (ORI) to an average of about 30% of that experienced when using untreated gasolines; reduces hydrocarbon emissions by the order of 10% or more; improves fuel economy approximately 1.5% - and often much more - in a variety of engines; and also reduces exhaust valve recession and combustion chamber deposits. The additive effects on Diesel engine performance and on combustion modification in both gasoline and Diesel engines will be reported later.
Journal Article

A CFD Study of Post Injection Influences on Soot Formation and Oxidation under Diesel-Like Operating Conditions

One in-cylinder strategy for reducing soot emissions from diesel engines while maintaining fuel efficiency is the use of close-coupled post injections, which are small fuel injections that follow the main fuel injection after a short delay. While the in-cylinder mechanisms of diesel combustion with single injections have been studied extensively and are relatively well understood, the in-cylinder mechanisms affecting the performance and efficacy of post injections have not been clearly established. Here, experiments from a single-cylinder heavy-duty optical research engine incorporating close- coupled post injections are modeled with three dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The overall goal is to complement experimental findings with CFD results to gain more insight into the relationship between post-injections and soot. This paper documents the first stage of CFD results for simulating and analyzing the experimental conditions.
Technical Paper

A Calculation Methodology for Cam Overlap Optimization Towards Combustion Quality at Idle in IC SI Engines

Engine stability at idle is an important factor that influences the behaviour of an I.C., S.I. engine, in terms of fuel efficiency, exhaust gas emissions and customer comfort. In particular, the increasing daily use of vehicles in urban traffic bestows more and more importance on the engine idle quality. The engine idle quality is perceived by the user as the constancy of noise tone, low vibrations level and absence of sudden speed drop, noticeable on the steering wheel, gear shift lever, and seat [1]. Combustion characteristics play an essential role on the overall engine quality level at idle. It is important to have an estimation of the engine behaviour in this condition during the engine pre-development phase. While the fluid-dynamic calculation codes mean the engine performance at full load can be predicted, but the modelling of part load and idle behaviour is very difficult.