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Technical Paper

Minimum Operation Performance Standard for Aircraft Batteries

At the request of the FAA, a committee was formed by the RTCA organization to prepare a Minimum Operating Performance Standard (MOPS) for Rechargeable Aircraft Lithium Battery Systems. This committee has being working for the last 2 years and completed the final draft during their 6th meeting in February 2008. Lithium Battery approval will be different than Nickel-Cadmium and Lead-Acid in that they will incorporate additional safety and documentation requirements. The MOPS, to be used by the FAA as the basis for a Technical Standard Order (TSO), includes the testing and evaluation criteria required for rechargeable lithium battery systems airworthiness demonstration.
Technical Paper

Identify/Utilize Process Capability Information to Predict Variation in Aircraft Early Design

Process capability information, combined with simplified component geometric models and assembly variation transfer functions built from Monte Carlo simulations, can give aircraft designers early estimations of product variability. Such predictions traditionally must wait for detailed component designs-after many important sourcing and production decisions have been made and when alternative designs are no longer an option. An additional benefit of early variation analysis is identification of major contributors to critical assembly variation. This information can alert downstream part designers of potential problem areas and also identify key manufacturing processes capabilities that must be verified, measured, and/or improved. This paper presents an efficient, top-down approach to move assembly variation analysis into early stages of aircraft development.
Technical Paper

Integrating Strategy and Tactics Across Multiple Business Units: The Supply Chain Solution

Members of supply chains face many conflicts between the efficient operation of the individual unit and the demands of membership in the supply chain. What is good for the Link isn't always good for the Chain. This paper addresses the conflicts and suggests sharing both risks and profits as a breakthrough solution that integrates tactics (the method of operations of the link) with strategy (the method of operations of the chain). Additional elements necessary to achieve the success are also discussed.
Technical Paper

Standards for Airborne Power Distribution Systems Used to Power Portable Medical Equipment

This paper accentuates the need for standards for airborne medical power supply system (AMPSS) installations. Potential electrical shock hazards through improperly designed AMPSS are discussed. The airplane electrical power system and the airplane environment are described and compared to that of a hospital. Regulatory bodies and medical device industry standards are discussed. Design safety requirements contained in the National Electric Code and ASTM standard for ground ambulances are identified. Federal regulations and standards for fixed wing medical transport units are compared to the above mentioned standards to demonstrate the lack of guidance material for medical airborne applications. This paper recommends that associations such as ASTM or SAE begin development of a standard for airborne applications based on existing standards.