Technical Paper
Modeling and Simulation of Automotive AC Components (Condenser & Piston) with Experimental Validation
Automotive Air Conditioning is the process of removing the heat and moisture from the interior of an occupied space to improve comfort of occupants. A condenser is a device or unit used to condense refrigerant from its gaseous to its liquid state, by cooling it. In so doing, the latent heat is given up by the substance and transferred to the surrounding environment. It is made of Aluminum Alloy Material and subjected to very high internal stresses due to refrigerant pressure, thermal / inertia and dynamic load. In order to evaluate the structural integrity of the condenser assembly under these loading conditions, operating frequency should be far away from the resonance frequency and component design should be robust to sustain external excitation load coming from the engine & road. The above design evaluation criteria is also applicable for piston of AC’s reciprocating compressor.