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Controls for Hybrids and Electric Powertrains, 2018

The papers in this collection cover powertrain control processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands of hybrid and electric powertrains. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and supporting electromechanical subsystems related to energy management.

Control System Design & Calibration, 2017

Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.

Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems, 2017

Topics include the effects of fuel and additives on deposit formation, intake system cleanliness, friction, wear, corrosion, and elastomer compatibility. Also covered are effects of fuel specification on drivability, on evaporative emissions, and on the relationship between emissions and drive cycle.

Controls for Hybrids and Electric Powertrains, 2017

The papers in this collection cover powertrain control processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands of hybrid and electric powertrains. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and supporting electromechanical subsystems related to energy management.

Control System Design & Calibration, 2018

Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.

Fuel Economy Improved & CO2 Reduction, Commercial Vehicle 2015

This technical paper collection explores total vehicle and powertrain technologies for on and off-road commercial vehicles aimed at reduction of CO2 emissions through design, analysis, and testing techniques. The topics may include energy analysis/management/optimization, current and proposed emission legislation, certification techniques, powertrain integration, weight reduction, idle reduction, and friction/parasitic reduction.

High Efficiency IC Engines Concepts, 2014

This technical paper collection focuses on technologies such as advanced and partially mixed combustion, cooled EGR boosting, ignition and direct injection technologies, pressure boosting, intelligent combustion, thermal efficiency, fully variable valvetrains, and other new and developing technologies.

Constant Speed Aerodynamic Procedure for Heavy Vehicles

Develop and document an aerodynamic constant speed procedure for heavy vehicles that can accurately calculate the aerodynamic performance through the typical expected yaw angles during operation at highway speeds.
Journal Article

Online Implementation of an Optimal Supervisory Control for a Parallel Hybrid Powertrain

The authors present the supervisory control of a parallel hybrid powertrain, focusing on several issues related to the real-time implementation of optimal control based techniques, such as the Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategies (ECMS). Real-time implementation is introduced as an intermediate step of a complete chain of tools aimed at investigating the supervisory control problem. These tools comprise an offline optimizer based on Pontryagin Minimum Principle (PMP), a two-layer real-time control structure, and a modular engine-in-the-loop test bench. Control results are presented for a regulatory drive cycle with the aim of illustrating the benefits of optimal control in terms of fuel economy, the role of the optimization constraints dictated by drivability requirements, and the effectiveness of the feedback rule proposed for the adaptation of the equivalence factor (Lagrange multiplier).
Technical Paper

LPG and Prechamber as Enabler for Highly Performant and Efficient Combustion Processes Under Stoichiometric Conditions

The European Union has defined legally binding CO2-fleet targets for new cars until 2030. Therefore, improvement of fuel economy and carbon dioxide emission reduction is becoming one of the most important issues for the car manufacturers. Today’s conventional car powertrain systems are reaching their technical limits and will not be able to meet future CO2 targets without further improvement in combustion efficiency, using low carbon fuels (LCF), and at least mild electrification. This paper demonstrates a highly efficient and performant combustion engine concept with a passive pre-chamber spark plug, operating at stoichiometric conditions and powered with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Even from fossil origin, LPG features many advantages such as low carbon/hydrogen ratio, low price and broad availability. In future, it can be produced from renewables and it is in liquid state under relatively low pressures, allowing the use of conventional injection and fuel supply components.
Technical Paper

Estimation of Speciation Data for Hydrocarbons using Data Science

Strict regulations on air pollution motivates clean combustion research for fossil fuels. To numerically mimic real gasoline fuel reactivity, surrogates are proposed to facilitate advanced engine design and predict emissions by chemical kinetic modelling. However, chemical kinetic models could not accurately predict non-regular emissions, e.g. aldehydes, ketones and unsaturated hydrocarbons, which are important air pollutants. In this work, we propose to use machine-learning algorithms to achieve better predictions. Combustion chemistry of fuels constituting of 10 neat fuels, 6 primary reference fuels (PRF) and 6 FGX surrogates were tested in a jet stirred reactor. Experimental data were collected in the same setup to maintain data uniformity and consistency under following conditions: residence time at 1.0 second, fuel concentration at 0.25%, equivalence ratio at 1.0, and temperature range from 750 to 1100K.
Technical Paper

Optimization of Energy Management and Control for a Hybridized Through-The-Road Car

The deployment of electric and hybrid electric vehicle is accounted to be the most feasible solution for lowering the transportation sector pollution emissions and energy consumption. However, the transition to electrified mobility is not behind the corner and many challenges, such as battery recharging issues, free-carbon electricity and grid sustainability, remain unsolved. A sustainable solution, also from a Life-Cycle Assessment perspective, is the conversion of existing vehicles into hybrid solar cars. In this study, the latest updates of the LIFE-SAVE project for the development of an aftermarket kit for vehicles hybridization are presented. In particular, the application of the Pontryagin’s Minimum Principles for the optimal control of a transformed vehicle is presented. Results show that fuel economy on the vehicle both in charge sustaining and in charge depleting operations are improved by about 1% and 13%, respectively.
Technical Paper

Under-Hood CRFM and CAC Air Flow Management of Vehicle to Improve Thermal Performance by 1D Method Using Amesim

Currently the Automotive industry demands highly competitive product to survive in the global tough competition. The engine cooling system plays a vital role in meeting the stringent emission norms and improving the vehicle fuel economy apart from maintaining the operating temperature of engine. The airflow through vehicle subsystems like the grille, bumper, the heat exchangers, the fan and shroud and engine bay are called as front-end flow. Front end flow is crucial factor in engine cooling system as well as in determining the aerodynamic drag of vehicle. The airflow through the engine compartment is determined by the front-end vehicle geometry, the CRFM and CAC package, the engine back restriction and the engine compartment geometry including the inlet and outlet sections. This paper discusses the 1D modelling method for front-end airflow rate prediction and thermal performance by 1D method. The underbody components are stacked using heat stack and simulated in pressure mode.
Technical Paper

Attaining Thermal Comfort by Utilizing Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Embedded Wind Shield and Roof of a Passenger Car

Despite the advances in the field of vehicle thermal management, certain challenges still exists which are yet necessary to be addressed. One of among those challenges is maintaining the vehicle cabin temperature at a comfortable level and reducing the losses incurred by the vehicle. Vehicle cabin temperature is an important factor in deciding the reliability, longevity and fuel economy of a vehicle. Also, for the safety and comfort of the driver and passengers, the comfort conditions are to be maintained in all climatic conditions. The cabin temperature is increased due to thermal soaking from direct sunlight and this increases the vehicle cabin temperature up to a range of 50 0C to 70 0C. The amount of solar radiation entering into the vehicle cabin is a major factor which is a contribution of transmissivity of light radiation through the windows including the windshield.
Technical Paper

Evolution of the Additive Technology for Top Tier Lubricating Oils: Use of Calixarene Detergents for Fuel Economy Improvement

In view of CO2 reduction, aimed to mitigate global warming, Fuel Economy (FE) is gaining a primary role in new specifications for engine lubricating oils. Not only oil rheological properties and friction reducer additives, but also all the components of the formulation, such as basestocks, viscosity modifier and additive package, are involved in achieving FE performances. Tribological tests were carried out in our labs to investigate the effect of detergent additives: in particular, the positive role of detergents based on Calcium salts ofcalixarenes, cyclic oligomers obtained from reaction of p-functionalized phenols with formaldehyde, emerged. This type of additives is particularly suitable for modern lubricants preserving aftertreatment efficiency as they are sulfur-free.
Technical Paper

Powertrain Friction Reduction by Synergistic Optimization of Cylinder Bore Surface and Lubricant - Part 2: Engine Tribology Simulations and Tests

In the present work, a system approach to the tribological optimization of passenger car engines is demonstrated. Experimental data and simulation results are presented to demonstrate the role of surface specifications, ring pack, and lubricant on the piston/bore tribology. The importance of in-design “pairing” of low-viscosity motor oils with the ring pack and the cylinder bore characteristics in order to achieve maximum reduction in GHG emissions and improvement in fuel economy without sacrificing the endurance is elucidated. Earlier motored friction data for two different gasoline engines - Ford Duratec and Mercedes Benz M133 - using motor oils of different viscosity grades are now rationalized using AVL EXCITE® piston/bore tribology simulations. The main difference between the engines was the cylinder bore surface: honed cast iron vs thermally sprayed, and the valve train type: direct-acting mechanical bucket (DAMB) vs roller finger follower (RFF).
Technical Paper

Analytical Methodology to Derive a Rule-Based Energy Management System Enabling Fuel-Optimal Operation for a P24-Hybrid

The electric range of plug-in hybrids as well as the installed electric power has steadily increased. With an electric power share of more than half of the overall system power, concepts of hybrid electric vehicles with at least two electric machines come into focus. Especially the concept of adding an individual electric axle to a state-of-the-art parallel hybrid, such as a P2-hybrid, is promising. However, the system complexity of a so-called P24-hybird increases significantly because the number of possible system states rises. This leads to an increased development and calibration effort for an online energy management. Especially a transfer from an optimized operating strategy to a rule-based energy management is challenging. Thus, a development framework for the calibration of an online energy management system (EMS) which is as fuel efficient as possible is needed.
Technical Paper

A Study on Evaluation Method of Fuel Economy, Electric Power Consumption and Emissions of Electrified Heavy-duty Vehicle by Using “X in the Loop Simulation”

To reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the use of vehicles operating on electrification technology, such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly increasing. A similar trend also exists in the field of heavy-duty vehicles, such as trucks and buses. When evaluating—via the certification test method—the fuel efficiency, electricity efficiency, and exhaust gas emission of heavy-duty vehicles that have many batteries, the powertrain, including the batteries, is modeled and investigated. However, such modeling is difficult because batteries deteriorate, and the ambient temperature fluctuates during vehicle operation. To resolve this issue, we developed a new evaluation method that enables real-time cooperative control of actual batteries and hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS).
Technical Paper

Under-Expanded Jets Characterization by Means of CFD Numerical Simulation Using an Open FOAM Density-Based Solver

Among the others, natural gas (NG) is regarded as a potential solution to enhance the environmental performance of internal combustion engines. Low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio, worldwide relatively homogeneous distribution and reduced price are the reason as, lately, many researchers efforts have been put in this area. In particular, this work focuses on the characterization of the injection process inside a constant volume chamber (CVC), which could provide a contribution to the development of direct injection technologies for a gaseous fuel. Direct injection of a gaseous fuel involves the presence of under-expanded jets whose knowledge is fundamental to achieve the proper mixture formation prior to the combustion ignition. For this reason, a density based solver was developed within the OpenFOAM library in order to simulate the jet issued from an injector suitable for direct injection of methane.