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Technical Paper

Plasma-Enhanced Catalysis for Automotive Exhausts

This paper presents a concept for enhancing catalytic removal of pollutant species from an exhaust stream by placing placing the plasma adjacent to the catalyst surface. Model calculations of the behavior of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF), which influences the chemistry and ionization levels near the surface, are performed and analyzed. Preliminary experiments attempting to reduce these theoretical ideas to practice in N2/NO mixtures, are discussed. Although removal of NO is observed, this is due to gas phase effects alone. The present experimental arrangement is not able to produce the requisite conditions outlined by theory to enact plasma-enhanced catalysis.
Technical Paper

Analytical Studies of Combustion Chamber Deposits and Effects of CCDs on Emissions

Worldwide concern about combustion chamber deposits (CCDs) has increased from the viewpoint of fuel and additives technology, which has been developed for the cleaning of intake valve deposits (IVDs), intake port deposits and injector deposits. The research effort described here, focused on the differences between CCDs and IVDs in terms of quality based on analyses of CCDs and IVDs collected from used vehicles from the Japanese market. The CCDs and IVDs were characterized according to weight, benzene-solubles and sulfated ash. Since the sulfated ash in CCDs is a key to understanding the effect of engine oil on CCD formation, the relationship between CCDs and the sulfated ash in CCDs was evaluated under the two typical conditions on a 2.0L engine testing bench. Based on the results, the gasoline-related and oil-related factors were estimated for these conditions. Moreover, the effect of CCDs on exhaust emissions was investigated in a 2.2L vehicle.
Technical Paper

Enhancement of Journal Load Bearing Capacity by Polymer Containing Oils

Most automotive multigrade oils contain high molecular weight polymeric viscosity index improvers (VII's) and are, to a greater or lesser extent, viscoelastic fluids. For many years the effect of multigrade oil viscoelasticity on journal bearing lubricant load bearing capacity (LBC), (and implicitly minimum oil film thickness) has been a vexed question. The work described in this paper provides experimental evidence that a significant enhancement of journal bearing LBC over that generated by isoviscous Newtonian (single grade) oils can be achieved by the use of multigrade oils under simulated realistic in-senice engine conditions. This effect only occurs under operation at high eccentricity ratios. At lower eccentricity ratios no enhancement in LBC could be found. Examination of the effect of lubricant piezoviscosity on LBC failed to account for the load bearing enhancement phenomenon.
Technical Paper

Evaluation of Polyolefin Elastomers Produced by Constrained Geometry Catalyst Chemistry as Viscosity Modifiers for Engine Oil

The discovery of Constrained Geometry Catalysts (CGC) for production of polyolefins allows one to make new polyolefins in a solution process. CGCs have a single active site for polymerization, and the bridged nature of the monocyclopentadienyl titanium complex allows facile incorporation of alpha olefins into random ethylene copolymers that are characterized by narrow molecular weight distributions and narrow comonomer distributions. In this paper, olefin copolymers (OCPs) of ethylene with propylene and octene comonomers produced with constrained geometry catalyst are described, and their behavior as viscosity index improvers in oil solutions is examined. A wide range of amorphous and semicrystalline OCPs have been produced and characterized. Crystallinity was measured by DSC, and molecular weights (Mw) were determined by GPC.
Technical Paper

A Study on the Mechanism of Backfire in External Mixture Formation Hydrogen Engines -About Backfire Occurred by Cause of the Spark Plug-

It is a well-known fact that the exhaust emission characteristics of hydrogen fueled engines are extremely good. The external mixture formation - a hydrogen fuel supply method - has the merit of practically zero NOx emission level in the lean mixture range with the excess air ratio λ set at 2.0 or greater as well as the merits of simple mechanism and easy operation. However, the practical use of such engines has been impeded partly due to the occurrence of backfire where the excess air ratio λ is 2 to 3. In order to allow the practical use of the hydrogen fueled engines with external mixture formation, it is vital to determine the causes of backfire and to establish proper countermeasures. It is found through a recent study conducted on the mechanism of backfire that the abnormal electric discharge in the intake stroke is one of the causes of backfire.
Technical Paper

Combustion Characteristics of Electrolytically Produced Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixtures

The paper reports and evaluates the combustion pressures of electrolytically produced stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixtures, spark-ignited inside a variable height (volume 0-250cc) ceramic piston cylinder arrangement. Ignition of mixtures was carried out at room temperature and absolute pressures varying between 5 and 180 kPa. Maximum combustion pressures were obtained from pressure-time traces and compared to a computer simulation model based on the first law of thermodynamics, ideal gas law and high temperature dissociation of combustion products. Ignition delay time and rate of pressure rise are also investigated. The results are to be used in a preliminary design of a combustion chamber of a hydrogen-oxygen fuelled engine. It was found that maximum combustion pressures are dependent on initial mixture pressure, initial water vapour content and surface area/volume ratio of combustion chamber.
Technical Paper

Humidity Effects and Compensation in a Lean Burn Natural Gas Engine

The effect of humidity on the lean misfire limit and emissions from a lean burn, natural gas engine is described in this paper, along with a description of a practical humidity compensation method for incorporation into an electronic control system. Experiments to determine the effects of humidity on the lean limit and emissions are described. Humidity increases were shown to decrease the rate of combustion, reduce NOx emissions, and increase the levels of unburned hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. Data and calculations are also presented which demonstrate that increases in humidity will cause enleanment in a typical closed loop control system utilizing a universal exhaust gas oxygen (UEGO) sensor. A prototype system for humidity sensing and subsequent compensation based on these findings was implemented, and the system was found, through additional testing, to compensate for humidity very effectively.
Technical Paper

The Impact of Injection Timing on In-Cylinder Fuel Distribution in a Natural Gas Powered Engine

One obstacle hindering the use of port fuel injection in natural gas engines is poor idle performance due to incomplete mixing of the cylinder charge prior to ignition. Fuel injection timing has a strong influence on the mixing process. The purpose of this work is to determine the impact of fuel injection timing on in-cylinder fuel distribution. Equivalence ratio maps have been acquired by Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence in an optical engine with a production cylinder head. Experimental results have been used to determine the injection timing which produces the most uniform fuel distribution for the given engine.
Technical Paper

Determination of Knock Sensor Location on a Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Engine

Knock-induced pressure waves in the combustion chambers of spark-ignited engines cause the engine block to vibrate at the same frequencies. These vibrations have different amplitudes at different locations on the engine block. This paper describes a project to find a location on the engine block where the amplitudes of the knock-induced vibrations are high enough to use in a knock control system. To find this location, six piezoelectric knock sensors were located on suitable regions of the engine block. Data were collected from the sensors at both knocking and non-knocking conditions using a high speed data acquisition system. After the data were transformed into the frequency domain, comparison of the knocking and non-knocking condition data indicated the frequencies and amplitudes of the knock-induced engine block vibrations. The location where knock-induced vibrations were transferred with the greatest amplitude was determined.
Technical Paper

Effect of Fuel Composition and Altitude on Regulated Emissions from a Lean-Burn, Closed Loop Controlled Natural Gas Engine

Natural gas presents several challenges to engine manufacturers for use as a heavy-duty, lean burn engine fuel. This is because natural gas can vary in composition and the variation is large enough to produce significant changes in the stoichiometry of the fuel and its octane number. Similarly, operation at high altitude can present challenges. The most significant effect of altitude is lower barometric pressure, typically 630 mm Hg at 1600 m compared to a sea level value of 760 mm. This can lower turbocharger boost at low speeds leading to mixtures richer than desired. The purpose of this test program was to determine the effect of natural gas composition and altitude on regulated emissions and performance of a Cummins B5.9G engine. The engine is a lean-burn, closed loop control, spark ignited, dedicated natural gas engine. For fuel composition testing the engine was operating at approximately 1600 m (5,280 ft) above sea level.
Technical Paper

Reliability Predictions Using Probabilistic Methods and Key Life Testing

A Key Life Test is an accelerated test designed to detect a major component failure mode. The Key Life Test process will be outlined, as applied to predicting the life and reliability of an automotive synchronous timing belt. The main objective of this type of testing is the development of a model to improve quality by designing reliability into the product. A math model will be described to assess severe customer usage, determine the test conditions and acceleration factor and is used to find the timing belt life and reliability. The application of Probabilistic Methods will be explained to predict the belt life and reliability, after the model has been correlated against the test results obtained. It will be shown that the design can be optimized to improve the timing belt reliability using the model.
Technical Paper

A Monte Carlo Approach to Warranty Repair Predictions

The paper discusses some statistical aspects of warranty repair predictions in automotive industry. The existing Renewal Process approach to model a single component repairable system is reviewed, and its limitations in terms of applicable TTF distributions are discussed. The Superimposed Renewal Process approach to model a multi component repairable system is then considered and its limitations in terms of the error of the superimposed aggregation are pointed out. Finally, a Monte Carlo approach is presented and its advantages over the conventional methods are discussed.
Technical Paper

A Cost Effective Strategy of Developing Life Tests for Systems

Performing life tests on products in order to guarantee quality is a necessity. No systematic procedure is available for developing life tests for components, subsystems, and systems in order to minimize the cost. Life tests are developed uniquely from one among components, subsystems, and systems without incorporating a systems approach toward developing the tests. To guarantee that proper tests have been planned in a cost effective way for components, subsystems, and systems a methodology is required. This paper has proposed a cost effective strategy of developing life tests for systems.
Technical Paper

Benefits Derived from Tracking Engine Performance of Flight Inspection Aircraft

This paper provides an overview of the approach taken by the Federal Aviation Administration for tracking and evaluating the performance of the engines installed on Flight Inspection Aircraft. The Flight Insepction Aircraft are used to verify the accuracy of domestic and international navigational equipment. The engine recorded data enables maintaining operational efficiency and permits timely maintenance actions.
Technical Paper

Automated Data Collection and Crash Survivability - The Engine Performance Trend Monitor/Structural Integrity (EPTM/SI) System

Providing an automated data collection system together with a regulatory flight recorder function, the Engine Performance Trend Monitor / Structural Integrity (EPTM/SI) System reduces flight crew workload and improves accuracy of collected data by using a lightweight, compact, survivable recording system. This combination system automatically monitors flight loads and aircraft usage for transfer to an Aircraft Structural Integrity (ASIP) program, and records engine trend data for input to engine trend monitoring software while maintaining a record of the last eight hours of flight data. The purpose of this paper is to describe the system components, capabilities, and growth options.
Technical Paper

Comparative Study of One- and Two-Equation Turbulence Models

Separated flows and subsequent formation of shear layers are important fluid processes which play a dominant role in numerous engineering applications. Prediction of this fluid process is an important element in the design and analysis of highspeed vehicles and, ultimately, in the performance and trajectory analysis. The prediction methodology used in the current study includes the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations on a multi-block grid system. Several turbulence models are used to investigate their performance for compressible, turbulent, separated and shear layer flows. The computational results are compared to available experimental data.
Technical Paper

Application of LEWI3DGR Icing Analysis Tools to Corporate and Military Derivative Airframe Icing

LEWI3DGR has proven itself a useful all-around tool for icing tasks at Gulfstream. The code's ability to handle lifting as well as non-lifting surface icing calculations with equal ease have made it the company icing workhorse. Implementation is straightforward, and results are reliable. LEWI3DGR analyses detailed herein have provided the basis for sucessful flight test and certification efforts.
Technical Paper

Developing a High Octane Unleaded Aviation Gasoline

The removal of tetraethyl lead (TEL) from U.S. automotive gasoline has caused concern within the general aviation (GA) community because of possible legislated environmental or supply restrictions on TEL, an essential ingredient in existing high octane aviation gasolines (avgas). At the same time, the GA industry which was besieged by numerous product liability suits in the past has seen a resurgence since the passage of the GA Revitalization Act in 1994. Because aircraft typically remain in service for many years, the survival of the industry may well depend on the availability of a high octane unleaded gasoline that provides a safe level of power and antiknock performance to the existing fleet. This paper describes the tools and techniques used by one team to develop fuels that provide the required antiknock quality while meeting most of the other criteria of the existing specification for high octane avgas: ASTM D 910, Standard Specification for Aviation Gasolines.
Technical Paper

Innovative Concepts for the Delivery of Avionics to a High-Volume Aircraft Production Line

New concepts for the delivery of products from avionics suppliers to aircraft manufacturers are becoming available to meet contemporary standards of product quality, delivery performance and inventory management. These concepts promise to transform the traditional relationship between avionics supplier and aircraft manufacturers. Since these concepts are most applicable to high-volume production, certain piston-engine light aircraft programs are particularly suitable applications for these new concepts.
Technical Paper

Determining an Aircraft's Attenuation Characteristics of HIRF Testing

This paper elaborates on current testing techniques used to determine an aircraft's attenuation characteristics in the presence of High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF). This is not a theoretical discussion for the Electromagnetic expert, but rather a practitioner's overview for the avionics/electrical engineer who must oversee HIRF testing. Three testing techniques used to determine the attenuation of an aircraft will be discussed: (1) the Low Level Direct Drive (LLDD) test used for the 10 kHz to the first aircraft resonance frequency; (2) the Low Level Swept Current (LLSC) test used for the 1 to 400 MHz frequency band; and (3) the Low Level Swept Fields (LLSF) test used for the 100 MHz to 18 GHz frequency band.