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Journal Article

Development of a High Performance Natural Gas Engine with Direct Gas Injection and Variable Valve Actuation

Natural gas is a promising alternative fuel for internal combustion engine application due to its low carbon content and high knock resistance. Performance of natural gas engines is further improved if direct injection, high turbocharger boost level, and variable valve actuation (VVA) are adopted. Also, relevant efficiency benefits can be obtained through downsizing. However, mixture quality resulting from direct gas injection has proven to be problematic. This work aims at developing a mono-fuel small-displacement turbocharged compressed natural gas engine with side-mounted direct injector and advanced VVA system. An injector configuration was designed in order to enhance the overall engine tumble and thus overcome low penetration.
Technical Paper

Experimental Investigation of Fuel Consumption, Exhaust Emissions and Heat Release of a Small-Displacement Turbocharged CNG Engine

An experimental investigation of fuel consumption, exhaust emissions and heat release was performed on a prototype 1.2 liter 4 cylinder turbocharged CNG engine, which has been specifically developed and optimized in order to fully exploit natural gas potential. More specifically, the combination of a high CR of 10.1:1 and a Garrett high-performance turbocharger featuring selectable levels of boost produced a favorable efficiency map, with peak values exceeding 35%. The experimental tests were carried out in order to assess the engine performance improvement attainable through turbocharging and to define the best control strategies for this latter. The investigation included ample variations of engine speed and load, RAFR as well as trade-offs between boost level and throttle position. At each test point, in-cylinder pressure, fuel consumption and ‘engine-out’ pollutant emissions, including methane unburned hydrocarbons concentration, were measured.
Technical Paper

Engine Stability Sensor

It has been proved from many studies and applications that, to improve fuel economy, is necessary to operate near lean limit without exceeding it, to avoid unstable engine running and resulting car surging. On this purpose, besides a precise and flexible control system, an engine stability sensor, to adopt closed loop control strategies, is needed. A research has been carried out on different measurement methodologies with the aim of developing a reliable and low cost stability sensor to be used on production cars. For this reason sensors yet applied in automotive field, like accelerometer and pick-up or oriented to this application, like ring pressure sensors, have been used. As basis of comparison the cyclic dispersion,measured with a pressure sensor inside the combustion chamber, has been considered.