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Characterization and Potential of Dual Fuel Combustion in a Modern Diesel Engine

Diesel Dual Fuel, DDF, is a concept which promises the possibility to utilize CNG/biogas in a compression ignition engine maintaining a high compression ratio, made possible by the high knock resistance of methane, and the resulting benefits in thermal efficiency associated with Diesel combustion. Presenter Fredrik K�nigsson, AVL Sweden

Blue Bird Propane Powered Vision School Bus

Propane autogas, the world?s third most-used engine fuel, powers vehicles, transit buses, and now school buses. Blue Bird has recently launched the Next Generation Vision type C school bus, powered by a ROUSH CleanTech liquid propane autogas fuel system and a Ford 6.8L V10 engine. The bus reduces operating costs by up to 40%, greenhouse gas emissions by up to 24%, and maintains the factory horsepower, torque, and towing capacity ratings. Learn about how school districts are saving over $.30 / mile using this clean, domestically-produced fuel. Presenter Brian Carney, Roush CleanTech.

Propane Autogas: The Clear Choice

The presentation by Tucker Perkins, President of CleanFUEL USA, provides important information to those wanting to learn about alternative fuels, specifically propane autogas. CleanFUEL USA provides liquid propane injection engine system for the 6L engine in the GM G4500 cutaway chassis used in many Type A busses. They are also developing an 8L engine in partnership with Freightliner/ThomasBuilt Bus for the Type C bus. This presentation discussed many of the advantages of propane autogas use, such as better economics, lower emissions, and inexpensive infrastructure for the fueling network. Presenter Tucker Perkins, CleanFUEL USA

Powertrain Innovation Requires Infrastructure Innovation!

Who are the people who know the most about the buses in your fleet? They are most likely the operators and the servicing technicians. They are also the key people whose knowledge, level of training and attitude can determine the success or failure of new powertrain technologies. Training and recruitment of both need to be held to a higher standard than we have seen in the past. I will argue that even the culture of those involved in fleet operations needs to be changed. The bar for technical competence and product knowledge needs to be raised for operators and technicians. In return managers should find ways to include them as stakeholders, investing them with both additional responsibility and accountability. This will require greater access to training and recognition of achievement. Where are the busses stored and serviced? Most likely in an all-purpose state/county/municipal service facility servicing a variety of equipment.

Natural Gas for School Buses: A Case for Using the Only Domestically Produced Alternative Fuel

A review of the processes that lead to the conclusion that CNG was the best solution for the fleet, including the efforts to gain public support for alternative fuels for school buses. MISD is now home for 42 CNG powered school buses (of 200). The presentation will include training and design tips for safety and smooth operations along with maintenance considerations for using CNG. Alternative fuels, the dilemma of which comes first - refueling station or operational buses ? has an impact on grant approval and funding, bearing discussion of the option of a public/private model. Unlike other alternative fuels, CNG has a national security impact Presenter Charles Stone, Mansfield Indep School Dist

Development of High-Efficiency Rotary Engines

In this presentation, we will explain how the traditional Miller Cycle - which has its limitations in the traditional four-stroke, Otto Cycle engine provides new opportunities for greater fuel efficiency gains and engine downsizing when incorporated in a split-cycle combustion process. Results will also be shared from studies showing how these implementations can provide both significant drops in fuel consumption and increases in power when incorporated into some of today's most economic vehicles. Presenter Stephen Scuderi, Scuderi Group LLC

Natural Gas Engines and Vehicles, 2013

The 9 papers in this technical collection cover fuel injection, combustion, controls, performance and emissions of SI engines fueled with methane based fuels such as natural gas, producer gas, coke oven gas or hydrogen-natural gas blends.

Natural Gas Engines and Vehicles, 2011

The 5 papers in this technical paper collection cover natural gas engines and vehicles. Topics include: sliding mode control of air path in diesel-dual-fuel engine; optimization of natural gas automotive engine cooling jacket using CFD analysis; waste coke oven gas used as a potential fuel for engines; and more.
Technical Paper

LPG and Prechamber as Enabler for Highly Performant and Efficient Combustion Processes Under Stoichiometric Conditions

The European Union has defined legally binding CO2-fleet targets for new cars until 2030. Therefore, improvement of fuel economy and carbon dioxide emission reduction is becoming one of the most important issues for the car manufacturers. Today’s conventional car powertrain systems are reaching their technical limits and will not be able to meet future CO2 targets without further improvement in combustion efficiency, using low carbon fuels (LCF), and at least mild electrification. This paper demonstrates a highly efficient and performant combustion engine concept with a passive pre-chamber spark plug, operating at stoichiometric conditions and powered with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Even from fossil origin, LPG features many advantages such as low carbon/hydrogen ratio, low price and broad availability. In future, it can be produced from renewables and it is in liquid state under relatively low pressures, allowing the use of conventional injection and fuel supply components.
Technical Paper

Investigations into Steady-State and Stop-Start Emissions in a Wankel Rotary Engine with a Novel Rotor Cooling Arrangement

The present work investigates a means of controlling engine hydrocarbon startup and shutdown emissions in a Wankel engine which uses a novel rotor cooling method. Mechanically the engine employs a self-pressurizing air-cooled rotor system (SPARCS) configured to provide improved cooling versus a simple air-cooled rotor arrangement. The novelty of the SPARCS system is that it uses the fact that blowby past the sealing grid is inevitable in a Wankel engine as a means of increasing the density of the medium used for cooling the rotor. Unfortunately, the design also means that when the engine is shutdown, due to the overpressure within the engine core and the fact that fuel vapour and lubricating oil are to be found within it, unburned hydrocarbons can leak into the combustion chambers, and thence to the atmosphere via either or both of the intake and exhaust ports.
Technical Paper

Influence of the MeFo and DMC Content in the Fuel on the Gasoline DI Spray Characteristics with the Focus on Droplet Speed and Size

E-fuels are proven to be a major contributing factor to reduce CO2 emissions in internal combustion engines. In gasoline engines, C1 oxygenate are seen as critical to reach CO2 and emission reduction goals. Their properties affect the fuel injection characteristics and thus the fuel mixture formation and combustion emissions. To exploit the full potential of e-fuels, the detailed knowledge of their spray characteristic is necessary. The correlation between the fuel content of C1 oxygenates and particulate emissions do not appear to be linear. To understand this correlation, the spray characteristics have to be investigated in detail. The reduced stoichiometric air requirement leads to an increase of the injected fuel mass, which has to evaporate. This can lead to a changed fuel film interaction within the combustion chamber walls and therefore a change of particle formation.
Technical Paper

Effect of Blend Fuel Properties on Combustion Improvement Under Heterogeneous Combustion Field by Using Multi-Impinging Injection System

To solve the engine performance deterioration and emission problems caused by fuel spray impingement on combustion chamber wall from direct injection internal engines, we bring out the new fuel injection concept, which we call it the impinging injection method. The impinging injection method uses two opposite injectors and tries to achieve spray atomization effect from the fuel sprays collision. A constant volume combustion chamber was used to confirm the spray characteristics and the combustion improvements. Previous study confirmed a significant reduction of spray/wall impingement and combustion improvements. Therefore, in this study, from the aspect of surrogate fuel, we investigated the spray and combustion characteristics of n-butanol addition blend with iso-octane and n-hexadecane, respectively, by using impinging injection and multi-impinging injection with different injection timing conditions. The n-butanol addition ratio ranged from 0% to 50%.
Technical Paper

Impact of CO2 Dilution on Ignition Delay Times of Full Blend Gasolines in a Rapid Compression Machine

Autoignition delay times of two full blend gasoline fuels (high and low RON) were explored in a rapid compression machine. CO2 dilution by mass was introduced at 0%, 15%, and 30% levels with the O2:N2 mole ratio fixed at 1:3.76. This dilution strategy is used to represent exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) substitution in spark ignition (SI) engines by using CO2 as a surrogate for major EGR constituents(N2, CO2, H2O). Experiments were conducted over the temperature range of 650K-900K and at 10 bar and 20 bar compressed pressure conditions for equivalence ratios of (Φ =) 0.6-1.3. The full blend fuels were admitted directly into the combustion chamber for mixture preparation using the direct test chamber (DTC) approach. CO2 addition retarded the autoignition times for the fuels studied here. The retarding effect of the CO2 dilution was more pronounced in the NTC region when compared to the lower and higher temperature range.
Technical Paper

Powertrain Friction Reduction by Synergistic Optimization of the Cylinder Bore Surface and Lubricant Part 1: Basic Modelling

The piston assembly is the major source of tribological inefficiencies among the engine components and is responsible for about 50% of the total engine friction losses, making such a system the main target element for developing low-friction technologies. Being a reciprocating system, the piston assembly can operate in boundary, mixed and hydrodynamic lubrication regimes. Computer simulations were used to investigate the synergistic effect between low viscosity oils and cylinder bore finishes on friction reduction of passenger car internal combustion engines. First, the Reynolds equation and the Greenwood & Tripp model were used to investigating the hydrodynamic and asperity contact pressures in the top piston ring. The classical Reynolds works well for barrel-shaped profiles and relatively thick oil film thickness but has limitations for predicting the lubrication behavior of flat parallel surfaces, such as those of Oil Control Ring (OCR) outer lands.
Technical Paper

Powertrain Friction Reduction by Synergistic Optimization of Cylinder Bore Surface and Lubricant - Part 2: Engine Tribology Simulations and Tests

In the present work, a system approach to the tribological optimization of passenger car engines is demonstrated. Experimental data and simulation results are presented to demonstrate the role of surface specifications, ring pack, and lubricant on the piston/bore tribology. The importance of in-design “pairing” of low-viscosity motor oils with the ring pack and the cylinder bore characteristics in order to achieve maximum reduction in GHG emissions and improvement in fuel economy without sacrificing the endurance is elucidated. Earlier motored friction data for two different gasoline engines - Ford Duratec and Mercedes Benz M133 - using motor oils of different viscosity grades are now rationalized using AVL EXCITE® piston/bore tribology simulations. The main difference between the engines was the cylinder bore surface: honed cast iron vs thermally sprayed, and the valve train type: direct-acting mechanical bucket (DAMB) vs roller finger follower (RFF).
Technical Paper

The Effects of the Specific Material Selection on the Structural Behaviour of the Piston-Liner Coupling of a High Performance Engine

The materials commonly employed in the automotive industry are various and depend on the specific application field. For what concern the internal combustion engines the choice is guided by the thermomechanical performance required, technological constraints and production costs. Actually, for high-performance engines, steel and aluminium are the most common materials selected for the piston and the cylinder liner manufacturing. This study analyses the effect of possible material choice on the interaction between piston and cylinder liner, via Finite Element analyses. A motorcycle engine is investigated considering two possible pistons: one (standard) made of aluminium and one made of steel. Similarly, two possible cylinder liners are considered, the original one made of aluminium and a different version made of steel obtained by simply thinning the aluminium component in order to obtain two structurally equivalent components.
Technical Paper

Work Extraction Efficiency in a Series Hybrid Opposed Piston Engine

This work investigates the development of a novel series hybrid architecture utilizing a single cylinder opposed piston engine. The opposed piston engine presents unique benefits in a hybrid architecture such as its lower heat transfer due to a favorable surface area to volume ratio and lack of a cylinder head, as well as the thermodynamic benefits of two stroke operation with uniflow scavenging. A particular focus of this effort is the work extraction efficiency of two design concepts. The first design concept utilizes a geartrain to couple the crankshafts of the engine in a conventional manner, providing a single power take-off for coupling to an electric motor/generator. In this design, the large inertia of the geartrain dampens the speed fluctuation of the single cylinder engine, reducing the peak torque required to for the electric machine. However, the friction losses caused by the geartrain limit the maximum work extraction efficiency.
Technical Paper

Under-Expanded Jets Characterization by Means of CFD Numerical Simulation Using an Open FOAM Density-Based Solver

Among the others, natural gas (NG) is regarded as a potential solution to enhance the environmental performance of internal combustion engines. Low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio, worldwide relatively homogeneous distribution and reduced price are the reason as, lately, many researchers efforts have been put in this area. In particular, this work focuses on the characterization of the injection process inside a constant volume chamber (CVC), which could provide a contribution to the development of direct injection technologies for a gaseous fuel. Direct injection of a gaseous fuel involves the presence of under-expanded jets whose knowledge is fundamental to achieve the proper mixture formation prior to the combustion ignition. For this reason, a density based solver was developed within the OpenFOAM library in order to simulate the jet issued from an injector suitable for direct injection of methane.
Technical Paper

Behaviors of Spray Droplets with and without Flat Wall Impingement

Fuel spray impingement on the combustion chamber wall cannot be avoid in direct injection gasoline engines, resulting in insufficient combustion and unburned hydrocarbon/soot emissions from the engines. And the microscopic characteristics of the impinging spray have a close relation with the fuel film formation, which has a direct effect on the engine performance and emissions. Therefore, figuring out the droplet behaviors of the impinging spray is significantly important for improving the engine performance and reducing emissions. However, the microscopic characteristics of the impinging spray have not been deeply understood and the differences between the impinging and free spray are seldom mentioned in previous study. Therefore, particle image analysis (PIA) technique was applied to detect the microscopic characteristics at the capture location in order to track the droplet behaviors of the spray tip during the propagation process.