Dr. Laurent Pilon
Program Director, ARPA-E
Laurent Pilon is a Program Director at ARPA-E with interest in materials and manufacturing for energy applications including electrical energy storage. Pilon, joined ARPA-E from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where he is a Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. At UCLA, Pilon is engaged in a wide range of interdisciplinary research projects at the intersection of interfacial and transport phenomena, and material science for the development of sustainable energy conversion, storage, and efficiency technologies. He has authored more than 200 archival journal publications. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards including the CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (2005), the Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer (2008), and the Heat Transfer Memorial Award (2021) from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He is a Fellow of ASME. Pilon received his BS and MS in Applied Physics from the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 2002.
Presentation: Technology Needs for a Circular EV Battery Supply Chain
More than 50% of all vehicles on the road globally are expected to be electric by 2050. The surge in electric vehicle (EV) demand will be accompanied by a surge in EV battery waste, albeit with a 10-20 year delay depending on conditions of use. Recycling is typically put forth as the solution of choice for managing spent battery waste. However, current recycling technologies are energy intensive, emit significant quantities of greenhouse gases, and recover only a fraction of the battery mass, sending the rest to landfills. Moreover, as less expensive battery chemistries are introduced, the economics of recycling become more challenging as less high-value metals (e.g., cobalt or nickel) can be recovered. Circular economy concepts applied to EV batteries suggests that they should be designed and manufactured with the end of life in mind while considering recycling as a process of last resort. These strategies emphasize the need for material selection, design, and manufacturing strategies that can maintain battery materials, cells, and packs at their highest level of performance for as long as possible and facilitate disassembly at the end of life. This keynote will present ongoing efforts at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) to advance high-risk high-impact transformational technologies to achieve a circular battery supply chain through (A) material regeneration and innovative cell designs; (B) modular pack designs, reversible manufacturing methods, and autonomous robotic disassembly to facilitate repair, remanufacture, and recycling; and (C) advanced cell-level sensing methods to prolong the battery life while ensuring safety. Such technologies could offer new business opportunities and have the potential to reduce demand for pristine materials and to lower the energy burden, the lifetime cost, and the carbon footprint associated with EV production and operation, and thereby maximize the environmental benefits of vehicle electrification.