Baja SAE Michigan

September 12–15, 2024

Holly Oaks Offroad Park
Mt Holly Ski and Snowboard Resort
14551 Shields Rd
Holly, Michigan 48442


Spectator Policies and Procedures

Drone use is prohibited at all SAE Collegiate competitions unless under contract with SAE International, and is also prohibited by California State Parks.

Spectator Policy

"Spectator" - A "spectator" is defined as anyone who is not (a) a volunteer with event operating responsibilities, or (b) a member of a team with the proper credentials/identification. In most cases event operating volunteers and team members can be identified by their t-shirts, uniforms or credentials.

Spectators are welcome to observe CDS competitions from within the designated spectator areas and other parts of the site to which they are granted access. Spectators may not enter the course area. Spectators must obey the spectator rules and site use rules at all times and follow the instructions of the competition organizers and marshals.

Permitted Access - Spectators may enter:

  • Designated spectator areas - Spectator areas are always outside the course.
  • Team paddocks
  • Parking lots, food vendor areas, rest rooms and connecting walkways, roads or paths

Restricted Access - Spectators may not enter:

  • Technical Inspection Area including practice and testing sites
  • Static Event Areas and areas where Baja vehicles are operating/running
  • Any Dynamic Areas or Courses
  • Any area with signs indicating "Restricted Access" or "No Access"

Spectators may not sit or stand on any barriers or fences.

Spectators who enter a restricted area may be ejected from the site.

Only closed-toe shoes are permitted on site.

Intrusion Shut Down - If a spectator intrudes on an unauthorized area during an event then immediately shut down the event until the course is clear. Intrusion Shutdown Procedure - Display a red flag and radio the SAE International staff and event organizer that the event is being shut down because of an intrusion. SAE International staff has ultimate authority. Restart - Only the organizer and SAE International staff can restart the event after a shut down.

Team Members - Student team members who are not part of the dynamic event crew are considered to be spectators and must be treated like all other spectators. There are no exceptions for students. No matter what the reason student spectators may not enter the area unless authorized.

No Exceptions - There are no exceptions to the spectator rules. If a spectator does not follow the rules then he/she can be asked to leave the site.

Removal - If a spectator crosses into an operating area or event course he/she must immediately be asked to return to the spectator area and, if appropriate, can be asked to leave the competition.

Photographer Policy - All photography must be done from within the designated spectator areas.  Photographers who wander outside the spectator and photographer areas will be asked to leave.

Spectator Maps - Maps showing the general layout of the competition site and the location of the Spectator Areas must be available to spectators. The Spectator Map must include the Permitted Access and Restricted Access list (above) and the location of those areas.