Stapp Car Crash Journal


The Stapp Association is composed of an autonomous Stapp Advisory Committee and was founded in honor of John Paul Stapp, pioneer researcher of human tolerance to crash decelerations. The Association is dedicated to the dissemination of research findings in impact biomechanics, human tolerance to impact trauma, and crash injury protection. This is achieved primarily through the annual Stapp Car Crash Journal and associated conference.

The scope of material contained in the Stapp Journal includes new data on the biomechanics of injury and human tolerance, new methods and tools to study the biomechanics of injury, new developments in occupant protection systems, and new concepts on the biomechanics of injury based on experimental and analytical studies. Stapp technical papers are extensively reviewed by members of the Stapp Advisory Committee and have been judged to warrant publication in the open scientific literature. Publication of these papers does not constitute endorsement or agreement with their content by the reviewers, The Stapp Association, the publisher, or their members or staff. Opinions and data presented in these papers are the responsibility of the authors.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Purchasing Options

The Stapp Car Crash Journal is available on a subscription or archive purchase basis, with extensive historical content available. The historical collection contains more than 1,300 Stapp articles, which date back to 1964. Each year, the subscription is updated with the newest volume of the Stapp Journal, and the newest volume is made available for purchase to complete the archive collection. The historical collection is available on the SAE MOBILUS® platform.

To purchase an individual volume year, please visit the appropriate page below:

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888-875-3976 (US and Canada)
724-772-4086 (Outside US and Canada)

Copyright Information


Except for papers authored solely by one or more U.S. Government employees in the course of their employment, Stapp papers are protected by copyright. For authorization to photocopy for internal, personal, or educational use beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act, contact the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA Phone (978) 750-8400 Fax (978) 750-4470. For further information, visit CCC online at

Authorization does not extend to systematic or multiple reproduction, to copying for promotional purposes, to electronic storage or distribution, or to republication in any form. In all such cases, specific written permission must be obtained from The Stapp Association.