Performance Specification Anti-Seize Thread Compound, High Temperature
This foundation specification (AMS3050) and its associated category specifications (AMS3050/1 through AMS3050/9) cover anti-seize compounds for use on threads of nuts, studs, bolts, and other mating surfaces, including those of superheated steam installations, at temperatures up to 1050 °F (566 °C). Compounds containing PTFE are limited to 600 °F/315 °C maximum. Materials for nuts, studs, bolts and other mating surfaces include, but are not limited to Steel, Nickel alloys, Stainless Steel, Silver coated materials.
Rationale: This revision will serve 2 purposes. 1 - The QPG for AMS-M has agreed that we do want to continue with the addition of a QPL to AMS3050 and subsequent slash sheet specifications (types of anti-seize). 2 - The 5 year review is due at the end of 2022. This is a good opportunity to review and update so that only one Revision is entered for AMS3050.