Turboshaft/Turboprop Gas Turbine Engine Test Cell Correlation
This paper describes a recommended practice and procedure for the correlation of test cells that are used for the performance testing of turboprop and turboshaft engines. This Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) shall apply to both dynamometer and propeller based testing. Test cell correlation is performed to determine the effect of any given test cell enclosure and equipment on the performance of an engine relative to the baseline performance of that engine. Although no original equipment manufacturer (OEM) documents are actually referenced, the experience and knowledge of several OEMs contributed to the development of this document. Each engine manufacturer has their own practices relating to correlation and they will be used by those OEMS for the purpose of establishing certified test facilities.
To update the references to be aligned with the other correlation papers from this committee and to meet SAE Standards.
ARP4755C has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE Five-Year Review policy.
Related Topics:
Gas turbines
Engine control systems
Marine engines
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
Manufacturing systems
Research and development
Also known as: SAE ARP 4755
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