Draft Title - Foundational Quality Management System Requirements For XXXXXXXX (Final Title TBD)
This standard will describe foundational quality management system requirements for small organizations that produce products and services of low to moderate complexity and/or those that are not design responsible. It will target those areas that have the greatest impact on product safety and quality while attempting to minimize non-essential requirements and lessen administrative burden. The final scope and applicability will be defined by the writing team in conjunction with the Standards Council during early gate reviews.
Rationale: This standard is needed for the following reasons:
Up to 10% of the ASD Supply Chain uses ISO 9001 instead of 9100 since, in some cases, 9100 is seen as too burdensome/costly to implement. This standard will provide an improvement opportunity for these suppliers while bringing greater visibility to industry through mandatory use of OASIS.
The level of customization available within 9100 is not suitable for many of these smaller suppliers.
This standard will provide greater flexibility and allow for fine tuning in the application of requirements (targeting a specific segment of the supply base rather than forcing a "one size fits all" approach).
Since it will not be based upon any other standards (such as ISO 9001), there will be greater flexibility in updated or changing the requirements to meet specific industry needs.
Key stakeholders including DCMA and NASA have been asking for this type of standard for more than 10 years. They have agreed to support its development and utilize it. They've also told the IAQG that they intend to develop this type of standard on their own if the IAQG will not do so collaboratively. In creating this standard, industry will be able to influence, own, and manage the standard rather than having to utilize a set of requirements created independently by DCMA. This would impact all members that have US Military Contracts.