Electronmagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicle Components - Part 21: Immunity to Electromagnetic Fields, 30 MHz to 18 GHz, Absorber-Lined Chamber(Cancelled May 2013)
This part of SAE J1113 specifies test methods and procedures for testing electromagnetic immunity (of vehicle radiation sources) of electronic components for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. To perform this test method, the electronic module along with the wiring harness (prototype or standard test harness) and peripheral devices will be subjected to the electromagnetic disturbance generated inside an absorber-lined chamber. The electromagnetic disturbances considered in this part of SAE J1113 are limited to continuous narrowband electromagnetic fields.
Immunity measurements of complete vehicles are generally only performed at the vehicle manufacturer. The reasons, for example, are high costs of a large absorber-lined chamber, preserving the secrecy of prototypes, or the large number of different vehicle models. Therefore, for research, development and quality control, a laboratory measuring method shall be applied by the manufacturers.
Part 1 of SAE J1113 specifies the general, definitions, practical use, and basic principles of the test procedure
After the latest revision of ISO 11452-2 (Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 2: Absorber-lined shielded enclosure (ALSE) in 2012, the ISO document is now technical identical to the SAE J1113-21.
At the August 16, 2012 SAE EMC Standards Committee meeting, the committee recommended "Cancellation of SAE J1113 Part 21" in favor of using ISO 11452 Part 2.
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Fiber optics
Electromagnetic compatibility
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Commercial vehicles
Test procedures
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Also known as: SAE J 1113/21
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