Specification for O-Ring Face Seal Connectors: Part 2 - Requirements, Dimensions, and Tests for Steel Unions, Bulkheads, Swivels, Braze Sleeves, Braze-on Tube Ends, Caps, and Connectors with ISO 6149-2 Metric Stud Ends and ISO 6162 4-Bolt Flange Heads
The three parts of SAE J1453 cover material, dimensional, and performance requirements of steel O-ring face seal (ORFS) connectors for tubing and the O-ring face seal interface and nut portion of hose stem assemblies for nominal tube diameters of 6 mm through 38 mm and for nominal hose diameters 6.3 mm through 38 mm. SAE J1453-2 covers the requirements for “metric based” O-ring face seal connectors to metric stud ends along with the associated adapters, bulkhead and union connectors. Metric hex wrenching flats are used throughout this standard.
SAE J1453-2 art was revised for the following figures due to faint or missing lines (Figures 14A, 14B, 41, 42A, 42B) and to agree more closely to International Standards style format for the following Figures: 44A through 50.
Additionally, Figures 44A thru 46B were redimensioned to the International Standards style of short, medium and long for drop dimensions.
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Also known as: SAE J 1453/2
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