Seven Conductor Cable for ABS Power - Truck and Bus
This SAE Standard establishes the minimum construction and performance requirements for seven conductor 1/8-2/10-4/12 cable for use on trucks, trailers, and converter dollies for 12 VDC nominal applications. Where appropriate, the standard refers to two types of cables (Type F and S, described later in the standard), due to the variation in the performance demands of cables used in flexing and stationary applications. While the document’s title refers to ABS Power to differentiate the document from the SAE J1067 standard that it supersedes, the scope applies to both the primary green cable for powering ABS and lighting and the yellow auxiliary cable of the same construction.
Revision is to confirm that this document is only for 12 VDC nominal applications in light of future discussions and documents where multi-voltage systems are considered.
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Also known as: SAE J 2394
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