As shared micromobility, such as dockless bikesharing and electric scooter sharing, has expanded around the world, so too have regulatory frameworks that define how these services use the public right of way. Many public agencies require operators of these services to provide access to data to support more data-driven approaches to monitoring and management. Despite the burgeoning data-sharing standards that describe the specific vehicle or trip data fields that shared micromobility operators are required to provide to public agencies, there are often inconsistent definitions and interpretations for the performance metrics that are used by public agencies and operators. Data Sharing Glossary and Metrics for Shared Micromobility provides a consensus-based set of definitions for terms and metrics that are commonly used. It outlines key vehicle, trip, and geospatial definitions and metrics to reduce discrepancies in the terminology used across jurisdictions and sectors and allow public agencies to clarify policies related to shared micromobility.
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