This Declarable Substances List is intended to be used in conjunction with AS9535 to address, in a consistent way, the collection of information on chemicals throughout the supply chain. This information is key for compliance with numerous regulatory requirements as well as to meet customer and other stakeholders’ expectations and obligations.
The aerospace and defense sectors manufacture long life cycle products. They consider it essential to know whether any of the substances inscripted in the Declarable Substances List are incorporated within the products they manufacture or in the manufacturing processes in order:
to anticipate, at the earliest design stage, any potential regulatory or business risks that might occur, associated to these substances,
to ease compliance with appropriate applicable regulatory frameworks,
to facilitate end of life management,
to implement an efficient tracking process and anticipate any possible supply chain or business disruption.
This is not necessarily a list of substances that should be removed from the aerospace and defense industries. Despite the fact that some of the substances contained on this list are not currently used within the aerospace and defense industries, they may be used at some point in the future. This use will be of interest to customers or the sector to be tracked for appropriate management.
Some of the substances within this list are either currently regulated or may be regulated when the assessments on the substances are completed. SAE International, in partnership with Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) compiled the list of all the substances that are known as being officially classified as:
Carcinogens, Mutagens or Reproductive Toxins [CMRs] category 1 and 2, according to Annex 1 of Directive 67/548/EEC (as amended)
Carcinogens, class 1 and 2A, according to IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic [PBT], per the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (known as the "OSPAR Convention") - Chemicals for Priority Action (Marine Pollutants of the North-East Atlantic) (as amended through HSC(1) 2007)
Substances defined as Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic [PBT] or very Persistent, very bioaccumulative [vPvB] according to REACH regulation N°1907/2006 Annex XIII; List obtained from ESIS (European chemical Substances Information System)
Substances called out in REACH Annex XVII
“Other” chemicals of concern to the aviation sector (Ozone Depleting Substances [ODS] as defined by Montreal Protocol and Persistent Organic Pollutants [POP] as defined by the Stockholm Convention
Many of the substances called out in the reference regulations are actually families of substances, rather than discreet chemicals. The list included in this standard is directly derived from the above sources. However, to facilitate the identification of those substances which fall into these families being used in the suppply chain, SAE E-1 Committee has further populated the list with the detailed CAS numbers of the substances belonging to these referenced families. These CAS numbers were derived from several sources, included the N-Class database and the CAS Registry database. This detailed list appears in SA 9535 Substance Declaration Microsoft Excel form.
This compilation represents a good faith effort by the industry to accurately and completely compile a substance list based on regulations or stakeholders’ concerns. This list will be subject to change as new information becomes available, and we encourage users to refer to the latest version of this recommended practice.
Related Topics:
Supply chain management
Natural gas
Lubricating oils
Lubricating greases
Hazardous materials
Protective equipment
Also known as: SAE ARP 9536
Declarable Substances Standards Family
SAE has published three documents on the subject of Declarable Substances for the Aerospace Industry. This family of documents is designed to:
Assist aerospace and defense industry experts in making product and process decisions to support regulatory compliance.
mitigate business risks such as supply chain disruption.
Documents include:
Substance Declaration Standard - provides for a consistent approach to collection of chemicals throughout the supply chain. Among other things this document provides instructions for filling out the related Substance Declaration Form as well as a representation of some parts of the Form.
The Declarable Substances Recommended Practice - Provides a Declarable Substances Chemical List including, a glossary of chemical family identifier abbreviations, chemical family names, CAS number, and EU Index number for associated chemicals.
Substance Declaration Form (format: excel spreadsheet)
The Declarable Substances Form is designed to provide information about the composition of items supplied to aerospace manufacturers. This tool should be used by OEs and Prime Suppliers to request declarable substance information from your supply chain.
For ordering information contact:
SAE Customer Sales at 1-888-875-3976 (U.S. and Canada) 724-772-4086 (outside U.S. and Canada)
Fax: 724-776-3087
Email: CustomerSales@sae.org
Pricing for Substance Declaration Form
Single user (without distribution to suppliers)
For customers with distribution to 2-100 suppliers
For customers with distribution to 101-1,000 suppliers
For customers with distribution to 1,001-10,000 suppliers
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